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Y/n Pov
We got into the clinic and the nurse put a bandage on my right knee since it's the one who's bleeding so much. After that we choose either we go to an amusement park or an arcade. Oppa let me choose so i chose amusement park.
We head there as soon as i chose it and while were driving there i ask oppa if i can play some songs in his car and he just agreed so i played some songs there and it feels like were having a party since oppa know some songs that i played too, It's really fun to be with him. We stop cause the stoplight turned red and as i was looking around outside i saw someone who looks very familiar so i look again very closely and it's jihyo unnie and she's with a kid i guess. She looks very happy and i'm happy too seeing her like that, I decided to text her.

Jihyo unnie

Jihyo unnie smile more please :)


I said smile more

Wait can you see me? How tho?

Guess what i'm spying on you.

I know you don't have time to do that, Tell me how can you see me??

Look at the black car on the stoplight.

Ohh is that you waving?

Yes unnie :P

Is that also jack?


Where you both going?

To an amusement park :D


Since we both got nothing to do he invited me to come there.

Ohh, What are you doing?

Playing nintendo switch.

I thought you don't have one right?

Yes unnie but oppa  gave me a nintendo switch ahhhhhhhh i still can't believe he gave me this.

Oh he did that too.

Yes i really love him so much, He's the best.

Oh right by the way i need to go take care.


Ok unnie you too see you later.

I put down my phone and before we started moving i look again at jihyo unnie and her smile is gone. I'm a little worried so i think to text her again but i didn't since she's talking to a kid. And jack oppa asked me too what happened so i told him everything. To be honest i don't like kids but at the same time i don't hate them it's just normal for me to see one cause other people is obsessed when they see one and i'm not like that. One thing that i don't kinda like kids cause that's also the reason why my biological parents left me cause my older sibling are suffering at some kind of illness i don't remember it cause i was too young but they chose to abandoned me, i guess they can't take the pressure i'm not angry to them i respect their decision but when i have a chance to see them i won't talk to them cause that's my decision. I wish they can also respect mine just how i respect theirs. I didn't tell this to my unnies cause they might get worried  and i don't want them to be like that.

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