Taking Care Of Her

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Jihyo Pov

The others just left and Y/n has been transferred to a room so decided to buy us some lunch so i excused myself. I left the room and went to the fast food restaurant infront of the hospital. I bought the food and quickly went back since we haven't eaten and they might be hungry. I went in and saw three of them surrounds Y/n waiting for her to wake up. So i place the food in the table near them.

You might wanna eat first before you'll continue waiting. I said making them look at me.

I still don't wanna eat i'm just gonna wait for her so when she wake up were gonna eat together.
Sana said.

Yah sana don't be stubborn i'm sure Y/n don't want you to starve.
I said making her pout and walk towards the foods i brought.

While they're eating i walked out to get some fresh air. I went to the hospital's garden area and when i got there i started to tearing up since i can't hold my tears anymore. I wish Y/n will wake up soon cause i don't wanna see her like that it hurts me and it feels like i failed to protect her.
While i was crying someone tapped my shoulder and i see half of their body since i hid my face and they're also handing me a tissue. So i look up to see it was Nayeon and Jeongyeon, They sat beside me and trying to comfort me and after awhile i calmed down Jeongyeon spoke.

Are you ok? Jeongyeon said.

Ye- Yeah, I said sitting properly and wiping my tears away.

Don't worry about Y/n and cry it all out. Nayeon said.

I'm finished crying and i'm ok now i just want to let all my emotions out. I said.

Oh ok just let it all out next time and remember that our Y/n is strong don't worry about her she'll be fine. Jeongyeon said while i just nod.

By the way did you both left sana and Y/n? I asked.

Umm... Yea hehe. Nayeon said as they both scratch their nape and look away from different direction like nothing happend.

Why did you leave sana alone? I asked.

Umm correction she's with Y/n and nayeon just followed me here and i didn't notice her. Jeongyeon said.

Well let's come back there maybe Y/n woke up. I said and they both nod and we went back into her room.

I was about to open the door but it was already open and we heard someone snobbing too so we all ran quickly at them to see what happend. When we got inside they were a doctor and a nurse who's checking on Y/n and sana who's crying. The doctors looks like they're panicking i decided to ask sana what happend cause i'm getting worried again. I tapped her shoulder and mouthed her to follow me outside while she just followed me. We sat at the chairs in the hallways and i asked her what happend.

Sana what happened? I said comforting her as she calmed down and told me everything

I heard a long sound on one of the machines in Y/n and her body is also shaking so i decided to call a nurse but after she checked she called a doctor, I was so nervous and worried so i can't hold my tears. She said trying to hold her tears.

You can cry it all out, I said rubbing her back. She then cried and after a while nayeon and jeongyeon went out of the room going towards us, Nayeon is crying.

What happend inside there? I asked.

They're still checking on her. Jeongyeon said.

Why is she crying though? I asked.

She got nervous and worried too. She said and i just nod.

Don't worry guys remember what you said Y/n is strong. I said and all of them just nod and we did a group hug.

While were waiting i received a text from mina.


Unnie, How is she?



Something happend to her but don't worry she'll be fine.

Unnie, What happend to her?

Sana said her body started shaking and she heard a long beep in on of the machine attach to her and the doctors are checking her right now.

Unnie can i come back there?

No, don't worry too much and you'll visit her tomorrow you just need to rest. We'll update you.

Ok unnie just remember to update. Sometimes you forgot about it.

Ok bye.

Bye unnie take care.

I put back my phone and all of us are still waiting outside.

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