Chapter Thirty-Five

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For Winter break, we were going to stay on campus again. Henri was going to go home for a few days but would be back. A group of students had been chosen to go for Winter break to the castle. They were going to get a tour of the Castle. It was rather suspicious that it had been mostly the higher ranking students. The Headmistress hadn't been able to do much about it but a few Instructors were going to go. Professor Curt and his wife were going to go with them so my trainings were cancelled.

Byron was doing everything he could so that Ezra and Thomas weren't going to be selected to go with the next batch which would be over Spring break.

"How was the week with your parents or well, the three days?" Byron was back on campus early.

"Miserable" he grumbled. We were in the dining room eating breakfast. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. That is over so what are you three up to?"

"Trying to figure out how to jump-start the thermostat" Ezra was wearing three sweaters which was ridiculous. It wasn't that cold. He was being silly.

"Good luck" Byron responded. "We only use the fireplaces during this time. I thought you three would have gone home?"

"No, nobody wanted us at home. My mother was complaining that we eat too much" Ezra had three plates in front of him. Our appetites had grown considerably. We were eating twice the amount of food we had been. In Ezra's case it had been three times.

"So were my parents"

"My grandmother was busy with something or another." I shrugged. I was glad to stay here with the boys. We hadn't spent that much time together. I missed them. Ares was hunting outside. Luckily there was nobody around because most were sleeping in. We had left a window open to let him.

"Why are you with my bird?" I was jealous that Ares was spending more time with him.

"He feels neglected" Ares flew in and he perched himself on one of the empty chairs. He was eyeing the pancakes. Ezra pushed a plate towards him. "He thinks you are ignoring him since you are spending too much time with Henri"

"I am not" I bristled. It was true. Whenever I was with Henri, Ares couldn't be around. Henri couldn't see him. My grandmother had almost lost it when I had asked to let Henri see him.

I glowered at both Ares and Byron. Ares was eating pancakes.

"Stop giving him that." I snapped at Ezra. "He is supposed to be hunting for his own food." Ares lifted his head and gave me an annoyed sound.

Byron was right, he was upset with me for ignoring him. He flicked his tail in my direction and took off.

"I'm sorry, Ares" I yelled after him.

"Having a boyfriend is so difficult" Ezra sighed heavily. I turned to him. Thomas snorted into his food. Byron lowered his eyes but he wasn't bothering to hide his amusement.

"I'm going to go find Ares" I grabbed my jacket and headed outside.

"I'm sorry Ares" I whispered. He flew around pretending to hunt. "I'm not neglecting you intentionally" he flew close to me hitting me with his tail. "You know Henri can't see you"

I sighed heavily and took a seat. Ares settle down meters from me. His head was slightly turned to me. I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out pieces of bacon.

He looked directly at me.

"I am sorry, Ares. Just tell me instead of running to Byron" I couldn't help making a face. I was jealous that he was bonding with Byron. "He is important to me too"

I scowled at him.

"No Henri" he approached me. He opened his beak for a piece of a bacon. "I know you like Byron more than Henri but could you hide it a bit" Ares let out a sigh but he nodded. I gave him the rest of the bacon.

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