Nothing left here

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The three reach the house, Drew directing the girl towards the shower while Forrest got her some clothes. Forrest took out a pair of denim shorts, under wear, socks, and a nice cropped T-shirt. She also got a big towel and a pair of her Nike slides, leaving them at the bathroom door.

The couple unpacked all the food into the presses and fridge. Forrest then took a knife from the press and taking fruit from the fridge cutting them all up and separating them into three bowls. She pours three glasses of icy cold water and places them all on the living room table. Drew takes a seat on the couch and grabs the remote. He presses the on button and the tv turns on. A different language pops up and his eyes widen.
"Forrest, the tv is in another language." He calls out to her and she laughs at him. Neema opens the bathroom door, she hides behind it as she slides her hand out and grabs the clothes and towel.

"Guess no tv for us then." Forrest sighs taking a seat beside the comfortable boy. She takes her bowl and Drew's bowl off the table and places them on both their laps. He wraps his arm around her neck and pulls her in kissing the back of her head.
"Thank you." He says into the back of her head. The two start to each through their bowls of fruit when the bathroom door opens. Out walks Neema in Forrests clothes. She walks into the living room shyly.
"Here!" Forrest pats the spot beside her. Neema sits down and Forrest hands her the bowl of fruit and glass of water she had prepared for her. The girl thanks Forrest repeatedly.
"Any chance you know how to work this tv?" Forrest asks waving the remote and the girl nods.
She turns it on and clicks a few buttons, suddenly the words on screen turns to English.
"Yessss!" Drew cheers.
"What language was that?" Forrest asks
"Swahili, everyone here speaks either Swahili or English, some speak both, like me!" She smiles
"Impressive." The couple nods.
"So tell me about what happened." Forrest says to the girl turning towards her so they are face to face.
The girls face become evidently saddened.
"Well my whole life I had always been pushed aside, my father isn't my real father, my mother and him met when she was 16, after she got pregnant on me with some random man. Then they had my brother three years later. All three of them hate me and pretend I don't exist, well they act as I exist when it suits them. I am like the cleaner, chef, I am made do everything. My father got into dept with drug money and he owed his friend a lot of money. They can to an arrangement that his time could be extended if I slept with the man. I didn't want to, I screamed and screamed but he just kept hitting me and-and" the girl spills as her cry's turn hysterical. The girl try's to catch her breath but can't. Drew hops up from his seat and grabs her empty glass to fill it with more money. Forrest eyes started to pour during the story and she was now calming the girl down.

Forrest patted the girls back as she cried into her shoulder. Drew scurried back with the glass of cold water and handed it to the girl. She took sips of it and began again.
"Then I kept starting to get sick and I was late... my 'father' brought me to the doctor and they said I was pregnant. That was yesterday. They burned every single one of my belongings before my eyes and threw me out onto the streets!" She cry's and Forrest hugs her as she cry's too. Drew looked at the broken girl that was wrapped up in the love of his life's arms.
"Well we are here for a month, stay with us." Forrest asks and the girl starts shaking her head.
"I-I-I can't!" She says crying.
"Yeah you can, there's a spare bed, I have clothes, money, food, you'll be fine." Forrest says smiling and the girl starts to sob again.
"Thank you!" She shakes out crying.

Drew thought to himself how he was so lucky to be sat here with the most caring and kind girl in the word, and more so how she was his and only his. He was more than happy to welcome the new girl into their house and let her stay, but he knew deep down that's not as far as it was going. Forrest would want to help the girl more than that.

Days past and the three helped around the town in more ways than possible. They were now starting to help the building team with the school. Drew and four other men were on the job of collecting the brick with wheel Barrows and bringing them. Then Forrest, Neema, two other girls and four other boys started to mix cement, place the bricks and so on.

Un-According to plan (A Drew Starkey Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin