Playboy bunny?

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Forrest finally slept in her own bed, alone. It was great. The girl curled up in the many sheets, scrolled through feed and ate sweets. Ever since the cheating incident Forrests followers flew up to 20.6 million. The girl was getting so much support and love from all her fans and more. Someone released a video of Forrest being taken away in the ambulance after she was hit by the car. Forrest decided to look past it, she didn't care too much. Forrest was definitely the hot topic on all social media platforms at the minute. The video of her speech going viral. The girls heart wormed at all the love she was getting, from people she didn't even know personally.

The girl fell into a deep sleep at 1:40.

She woke up at 10:20, light shining through the edges of her curtains. She rolled out of bed and to the kitchen. She poured out a bowl of cereal and munched away.

By 11:30 the girls were ready and on their way to meet Madelyn and Julia at the salon. The Salon was big and luxurious. The four all met at the doors and moved in quickly. All four were immediately taken to the hair stylist. Maddison and Julia both got their hairs blow dried straight, while Madelyn and Forrest went with curls. They got facials, manicures, pedicure, massages, the sauna and other fun little bits.

They went back to Madelyn's apartments n's ordered take out. The four had such fun, until it came time to bring Julia to the airport. All four decided to go, and see the small girl off.

They had to go through security and that, they left the girl right up at the gates. It was hard saying good bye to the girl, no knowing when they were going to see the sister like figure again.

The three decided to take a trip to Austin's apartment where JD and Chase were. The six all sat down, having multiple games of Uno. Rudy and Drew showed up after three games, bouncing in on the fun.

The eight all had an amazing time, how it used to be.


Forrest woke up the next morning excited to spend the day weigh her family and friends before they left tomorrow. The girl got ready as usual. She wore a purple bikini under a white summery dress.

The girl met her family at a small private dock. Awaiting them was a big luxurious yacht. The group was astatic just looking at it. Every person wearing nice cloths on top of their swim suits.

As the gorgeous oat takes them out to the sea, the lot all strip into their swim suits. The boat had a small slide, that led into the water. The boat also had a jet ski attached to chains on the side of the boat. Everyone messed about in the water for I bit. Forrest couldn't join in too much, her hip being a real pain in the ass. At this point Forrest couldn't feel any pain in her ribs. The doctors told her they would heal quick enough by themselves.

Forrest cracked up after seeing Jasmine come flying off the jet ski as Jason skidded. The 8 were all served drinks and food.

"Soooo... let's address the big, beefy, blonde, fit elephant in the room." Jason says I front of Forrest and Jasmine, as the rest played down at the water.
"Did he slip it in yet?" Jason questions.
"JASON!!" Forrest shouts hitting the boys arm as Jasmine creases with laughter.
"FORREST!! Did you see the boy, he's like 7 foot, he's ripped, he's funny, he's a proper sweet heart, oh only if he was gay." The boy sighs aloud.
"Jason's right, Drew is perfect." Jasmine chimes.
"Ughh imagine, Mrs, Stankey!" Jason teases.
"It's Starkey!" Forrest corrects.
"Oooh, sorry Mrs.Starkey." Jason continues to tease.
"Guys actually stop, I'm only broken up with Liam, and besides Drew and I don't like each other, we're best friends." Forrest reasons.
"Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds were best friends." Jason nudges Forrests elbow, hinting that anything can happen. Forrest rolls her eyes, smiling and shaking her head, stands up and walks down stairs, clinks being heard from the crutches hitting the floor.

The girl gets down stairs. Her brother only out of the water, shaking the towel around his head. The two looked nearly identical. Although Tyrone was taller and had abs, they quite literally were the opposite gender of each other.
"What's happening." The boy says sitting down beside his sister.
"Nothing, water cold?"
"Freeeeezing!" The boy exaggerates.
The pair is quite for a second.
"Sophie ran into Courtney in town." Tyrone states.
Forrest doesn't say anything, she looks into his eyes begging him to continue.
"They got into an argument. Courtney was trying to be all nice at first, Sophie was having none of it. The confrontation got quite heated, it ended in sophie slapping Courtney on the jaw." Tyrone laughs, Forrest laughs too. Sophie and Forrest were practically sisters, she fit in with the family perfect. Sophie's mother died when she was 14, she grew up with just her dad, she would do anything for her family, whether that be for her dad or for us.
"Jason told me about what happened in the apartment." Forrest states dryly.
"Sorry. It's just we told him to not be near the apartment at that time so we could get all your stuff packed up and sent here. Then when we showed up he was there, the anger built up in all three of us, although he deserved what he got." Tyrone apologizes for causing a scene with his little sisters ex.

Tyrone, Josh (Forrests cousin/ Jasmines boyfriend) and Scully (their best mate) all called to the apartment to collect and pack up all Forrests things. Liam was there, one thing led to another and Liam left with quite a few bruises. The three had to leave, the job of collecting my things was then left with Jasmine, Jason and Victory. Liam now lives alone in their old apartment. Forrest knew it wasn't for long though, the boy had no income and the rent was pricey.

"It's fine, I just don't want him to have anything against us, now he could easily go to the guards about it." Forrest admits to Tyrone.
"He won't." The boy reassures his baby sister.


Forrest was eventually seeing the Irish gang off at the airport the next morning. The good-byes were more emotional than usual. The blonde tearing up at the fact she wouldn't be living right beside them anymore.

The girl didn't go home, she went to Rudy's and Drew's, having not been there for the last while. The girl immediately sensed the familiarity of the home, relaxing as she sunk into the couch.

Rudy, Drew, Forrest and Austin sat there for a bit, all four trying to decide on what Halloween costume to go as for Forrests Halloween party. Rudy was going to go as Ali G, Austin was going as the joker, Drew and Forrest were still undecided. Until Rudy came across a picture. A play boy bunny and Hugh Hefner. Both Rudy and Austin thought it was a great idea. Forrest and Drew not so much, thinking it would send mixed signals to everyone. After Rudy and Austin begged for minutes the two gave in, deciding to go as a couples costume.

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