Adorably caring

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It is now January 6th and Rudy is finally receiving his present. Forrest wears chunky white trainers, black jeans, oversized eagles jersey on top of a green hoodie with her black bag. The girls hair was split down the middle and curled. Rudy also wore a eagles jersey with a matching eagles bobble hat. The two were sitting in a black hummer with the secret service, a stones throw away from the stadium.

As they pull up and exit the car with the body guards people start to notice. Swarms of fans crowd around the blonde duo. Many flashing lights taking videos and pictures of the two.
"Are you Forrests new boyfriend?" One asks as he videos them. Forrest laughs at this comment when Rudy defends really quick.
"W-what?! No we are best friends!! She's like my sister."
The two finally get in the doors. The bodyguards stay around them as a man shows them through the massive building. Forrest takes her phone out calling Dwayne.
"This is the rock speaking."
"Where about are you guys?" Forrest asks chuckling slightly at how he answered the phone.
"Like five minutes away, are you there already?"
"Yeah, there is a man just bringing us up to the box now."
"Grand, see you in five." He says and she hangs up.

Rudy and Forrest are let into the private luxurious room. One body guard stands outside the door while the other four go back down to the entrance to wait for the next two celebrities. Rudy runs up to the large window staring out it gladly.
"This is amazing!" He says in awe. Forrest giggles at the excited boy.

Suddenly the door is flung open.
"The show has arrived!" Kevin says flinging his arms into the air. Forrest runs over to hug the two men after not seeing them in quite a while.
"Well guys, this is Rudy my best friend, and Rudy this is Dwayne and Kevin, Dwaynes the big one, Kevin's the Midget." The girl teases earning a hit on the arm from the small man. All the boys shake hands. Excitement written all over Rudy's face. The four sit at the little bar area talking loads. A waiter coming in asking what the four would like to eat and drink. The group ordered two buckets of beer and ice and a three trays of nachos.

Forrest forces the four to get into a group picture in front of the big window. The game starting soon after.

The four talk, cheer and laugh for the whole time. Them finding it hilarious when Kevin raged. The game ended and Eagles won, thankfully. None wanting to feel Kevin's wrath. Dwayne went to take a selfie of him and the other three. He aimed the camera up to where his, Forrests and Rudy's faces were, pressing record on the camera, then slowly tilting it down so Kevin makes it into shot. Kevin hits the man and they all laugh.

By the time Forrest got home Dwayne had posted the video on Instagram tagging the three. Forrest posted the picture they took earlier, Kevin and Rudy both reposting it shortly after. With the captions of;
Forrest: 'was starting to forget what these guys looked like, it was a well needed reunion 🤍🤍'
Rudy: 'Had to get a quick pic with the fans😝'
Kevin: 'What a group of such good lucking people'

You know how quick time flies, soon Forrest found herself on a flight with her boyfriend heading to Tanzania. The two had gotten extremely worked up for this trip. There was a few separate days put away for sight seeing, but other than that the two were helping in any way they could.

The two had landed and had gotten a taxi to the location they were to stay at. The two rented out a small private villa like house five minutes from where the school was going to be built.

The first day the two were just going to stay by the villa and take a walk around the local area. Forrest quickly throws her clothes in a draw and jumps back onto the bed. Drew laughing at the sight of the lazy girl. "Come on you, get up." He says walking towards the bed.
"Nooo I have jet lag, I need to sleep." Forrest whines out.
"You slept plenty on both plane journeys."
"I had to force myself asleep rather than sit talking to your grumpy ass for 20 hours!" The girl jokes. Drew smiles collapsing down on top of her. The two now face to face as he planks on top of her. Forrest grins madly at the boy in front of her. The two were so in love, more than either has ever loved anyone before.
"I love you." Drew says and drops his head down a little to place his lips on hers.
"I love you more." She says ruffling his hair with her hands. He falls down on her and the two roll over, Forrest landing on top. The two laugh. Forrest wrapping her arms around his neck, laying her head down on his chest. Her eyes start to close as she nods off. Drew deciding to let her rest as he just wraps his arms around the girls tiny waist.

The girl wakes up an hour later, Drew still lying beneath her. She feels her body lift up and down as his chest rises and falls. Her eyes open as she glances up to the fellow actor. The boys eyes are closed lightly and his lips are slightly parted. His eyes open slowly as he senses the girl staring at her.
"Your finally awake." He smiles.
"How long was I sleep for?"
"Like an hour."
"Ah that's not too bad, wanna go shop?"
The girl rolls off of the boy and stands up. He reaches out his hands wanting her to help him up. She grabs his hands and pulls the boy to his feet. The two skip out of the house and down the street. Smiling at everyone that walks their way. The two love birds walk into the nearest shop, Forrest grabs tons and tons of food and drink for the next week. She hands over the foreign currency to the cashier. The two leave the shop both holding a bad in each hand. As they turn the corner they see a poor young woman sitting in the floor crying. Forrest places the bags on the floor beside Drew's feet and runs towards the girl. She drops down to her knees asking the girl what's wrong.

Forrest wraps her arms around the frail girl as she cry's into her shoulder.
"I-I-I was raped by my fathers friend and n-now I'm pregnant and, and my parents kicked me out." She sobs with her strong Tanzanian accent.
"Well what's your name then? I'm Forrest and this is Drew!" Forrest says gently, pointing towards the tall man.
"Neema." She says quietly
"Neema, how about you come back to our place and we get you all washed up and all." Forrests asks and the girl nods standing slowly. The three walk back to the villa. Drew's heart throbbing with how adorable and caring his girlfriend is.

Un-According to plan (A Drew Starkey Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon