Three words

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Rudy made his way to Forrests. He gets into the apartment. Instead of walking towards Forrest room, he walks to Maddie's. He sees the hungover girl, sweating in her bed. He winced at the sight, and gags at the smell of vomit coming from the bathroom. He picks up a bottle of the girls deodorant and sprays in generously through the air.
"Sorry." The sick girl states.
"It's fine, you okay?" He ensures. The girl nods.
Rudy sits at the foot of her bed.
"Any chance you heard anything happen last night, like between Drew and Forrest or anything at all?" The boys asks and Maddie gathers a confused look on her face.
"No, why?!" She asks a little worried.
"Oh nothing, the two just seem a little off, it's probably nothing." The boy stares blankly.
The girl nods lying back down and closing her eyes, signaling for the blonde to leave.

He gets up and makes his way to Forrests. The girl is sat in her bed watching 'My Girl'. Rudy knew the girl by know, she watched sad movies and listened to sad songs when she wanted to cry, or when she didn't want to cry but she knew she was going to. Then when anyone asked why was she crying, she can blame if on the movie. Forrest didn't like to be seen as 'weak' or 'vulnerable'.

The boy sat in the bed with her, an arm wrapped around her shoulder as she leaned into his chest. The food came and the put Maddie's on a plate and brought it into her room for her. The other two sat in Forrests bedroom eating it. The funeral scene coming on and Forrest starts weeping. The boy just continues to snuggle against her and watch the movie.


"No, I hate it! Having to make plans with you, then make plans with her! I'm sick of it, tell us What The Fuck Happened!" Rudy shouts at Drew as the two stand face to face in the apartment. It is now December 2nd and Drew and Forrest had completely lost contact with each other.

Forrest had been working for the majority of November, but now that she was done working it was harder to split time with the two friends. This all happened merely seconds ago in the two girls apartment as Maddison said similar words to Forrest. Madelyn, Chase, JD, Austin, Maddie and Rudy and all grown sick of their childish behavior. The group still haven't found out what had happened Halloween night.

"Fine then!! You want me to sort it out so bad I'll do that. I'll March over there and tell him how in love I am with him, that every second of every minute of every hour, he is one thing that is on my mind.
While I am at it, I'll tell him how much it hurt me on the 1st of November, when I work up to an empty bed, after we kissed and fell asleep holding each other the night before.
No it'll be amazing I'll finally get to ask him why he left that morning, and why he never talked to me since!!" The girl shouts crying, leaving and slamming the door behind her.

Maddie's heart broke into a million pieces. She never expected an outburst like that. The picks up her phone to ring Drew, but the phone rings out.

The phone rings in the boys apartment as Rudy finishes speaking. Nobody answers, it's Drew's turn to speak.

"That's great, no really, that's absa-fucking-loutley great, it's been a little hard on you and the others having to make plans. Guess what, I've had to go over a month without speaking to the girl I am in utter love with!! That every second I spend awake, or sleeping, she's the only thing on my mind. That on Halloween night we kissed, went back to JD's and shared the same bed, holding eachother for the night. Then the next morning when I come to my sober thoughts, I leave. Knowing the girl would never speak to me again after kissing her, the girl who was a month out of a three year relationship, but not just 'the girl' she's Forrest fucking Brodigan, the one woman that every man on the planet warships, and I had the audacity to kill he while she was drunk. Guess what ever since I did, she hasn't spoken a word to me!! I ruined everything!!" The boy shouts at Rudy tears forming in his eyes.

Silence falls as the two just stare at each other, Rudy jumps forwards, wrapping his arms around his best friend. The two stay like this for minutes until the door knocks. Rudy answers, shocked when he is faced with an out of breath Forrest, who appears to also be crying, he figured Maddie had the conversation with her that they planned to have.

The girl pushes past Rudy and straight into the living room. There stood the tall blonde, teary eyed and in shock. This is the first time the girl in the apartment since the 31st of October. The two stand there, both matching teary eyes, red cheeks and messy hair.
"I'm going to go." Rudy whispers and immediately exits the scene, making his way down the road to the girls apartment.

"Why?" Forrest starts.
"I was drunk, I was caught up in the moment, I didn't mean for all of this to happen Forrest." The boy croaks and the girl is taken aback boy the voice.
"No, why did you leave?, why did you completely cut me off, not speaking to me for a whole month!!" The girl shouts gaining her voice.
"W-What you think it was easy for me?! I was petrified! I regretted everything I did, knowing I completely butchered the relationship we had before! I had to leave, what would you have said to me if I stayed "what the fuck did you kiss me for, you knew I was drunk?!" That's exactly what you would have said!" The boy shouts back
"As if that's what I would have said! I say there in tears that you left me, hoping that I didn't ruin everything the night before by kissing you. My thought were proved exactly right when you didn't talk to me for a month!"
"So what you were happy I kissed you?!" The boy asks sarcastically.
"YESS! I was over the moon!! I don't think I was even that happy when I won my Emmy!!" The girl cry's and the boy stops, he wasn't expecting any of that.
"Please say you joking right now?!" He begs
"Why on earth would I be joking!" She shouts
"Forrest, I Love you." The boy whispers.
The girl is completely taken aback.
"Please say your joking right now?!" She whisper shouts, more tears threat to spill.
"Why on earth would I be joking?" He sighs letting out the light meat laugh ever as he copies the girls previous words. The boy looks at the floor, not knowing what to say.
The girls arms wrap around his neck as she cry's into his chest. His arms tighten around the girls waits like never before.
"I love you so much." The girl whispers into his chest.

His hands move from her waist up to her neck and jaw. Her head tilts up. The two sets of puffy eyes look deep into each other. Lips colliding at once, give both an indescribable feeling, just as it did on the 31st of October.

"Forrest, I would like to formally ask you, would you go on a date with me?" He asks still nervous.
"Of course!" She jumps up kissing his cheek.
"But can we just spend tonight here first, I missed you so much." He says arms never leaving the girls frame. He head nods dramatically.

The two curl up in the boys bed watching the big band theory like the did weeks ago. All whilst Rudy and Maddie tried to pin exactly what happened on Halloween night.

Un-According to plan (A Drew Starkey Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now