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23rd of December 2019

The group of eight all gather around in Maddison and Forrests apartment. It was time to pass around gifts before they all flew back to their origins tonight.
The small fake fire was showing flames, and heat was being blown out from the bottom. The group all sat around the table.

Each person holding a wrapped up girl.
"Okay who wants theirs first?" Forrest asks.
"Me!" Madelyn begs eagerly.
Austin slides the small wrapped present towards the blonde girl. She rips it open and takes the lid off. Her mouth dropping as she looks down into it. She picks up the letter inside and reads it. Her eyes watering slightly, her hands drop and she looks up to the eyes of the boy.
"Really!?" She asks her eyes watering.
"Yes, she's at home with your parent right now, you can see him tonight!" Austin guarantees.
The girl jumps up and hugs the boy.
Forrest picks up the box and paper reading it out load and showing the picture and a horse shoe. Austin had bought the girl her own big white albino horse. The horse was being kept at the stable, which was a stones throw from her house. The stable Madelyn used to work at when she was younger.

It was now Austin's turn to receive a gift. Chase slides forward a equally as small box as the last. Austin smiles ripping the wrapping paper off slowly. The shock on his face when the box reveled the name 'Rolex'. He quickly took the lid off, his eyes widening when he sees the chunky gold and black watch. The blonde boy jumping up and grabbing the brunette, hugging and patting his back.

It now being Chases turn, Maddie picks up a rather large bag handing it to the boy. He takes out not one but four separate presents. He unwraps each one after another. Revealing that he got a pair of black Gucci loafers, a set of gold and emerald green cuff links, a Louis Vuitton suede biker jacket and a Versace gold band ring. The boy was delighted with the multiple presents he got. He swung his arms around the girl, pulling her into a tight hug.

Maddie stood up excitedly, "My turn!!" She spins around trying to see who got her. Rudy stands up. He gives the girl a small box. "Wait don't open that yet!" He calls as he runs to the hall and drags down a massive thin rectangular gift which is covered in snowflake wrapping paper. He continues dragging it until he reaches the girl.
"This one too." He says and she smiles.
She opens the small box revealing a gold necklace. The charm on it engraved with the initials 'K.B' her late mother's initials. The girl started to tear up at the thoughtful gift, her mother's death had took a massive toll on her, getting a present like this was very meaningful. She rips open the big gift, revealing a large canvas. On it was a picture of Maddie and her mother from before she passed away. The picture wasn't drawn, painted, printed, it was done Finley with the cut outs of pages from the book 'of mice and men' which was the book Mrs.Bailey had adored since she was young. The girl immediately started crying as she jumped up and into the arms of Rudy. Her tears leaking onto his shirt as he gripped her waist.

After everything is settled it's Rudy's turn.
"Well that's extremely hard to follow!" Forrest giggles standing up. She hands the boy a small wrapped up parcel. The boy eagerly unwrapping it. To reveal a plain cardboard box, he opens it quickly. He immediately starts laughing when he sees what's inside. Everyone looks about confused. He pulls out a big pink dildo. The group of eight creasing in fits of laughter.
"I'm joking, I'm joking." She says and hands him an envelope from her back pocket. The boy moves his thumb in one swift movement and the envelope is open. He reads the letter and his eyes widen just like all his friends did as they seen theirs.
"Your joking!!" He shouts with a grin going from ear to ear.
"Nope." The girl smiles. The boy lunges forwards engulfing the girl in a hug, knocking her backwards on the chair.
"What is it?!" Maddie asks eagerly.
"I am going to an eagles match with Forrest, the rock and KEVIN FUCKING HART!! She even booked the skybox! Only multi-millionaires get the skybox!" The boy shouts with utter excitement as his feet tap up and down on the floor like a child. The group all smile at the boys excitement.

"So Mads or Drew, who is it??" Forrest wanders as she jumps up from her seat clapping her hands.
"The cute one!" Drew says jumping up smiling.
"No I had to buy one for Maddie." Rudy jokes.
"Ha-ha very funny." Drew says with his signature Rafe face, but breaking into a smile.

Drew leaned behind the couch grabbing a tube like gift. He hands it to the girl who is sat beside him. Giving her a quick peck as he hands it over. She opens the tube and empty's the contents onto the table. It's a large role of paper. The girl unrolls the paper out on the table. It's a golden map of the world. There is certain countries scratched off; Ireland, the U.S, England, Wales, Turkey, Spain, Greece, Belgium, U.A.E, France and Tanzania... Forrest was never in Tanzania.
The girl looks up at the boy laughing.
"You got it wrong I was never in Tanzania!" She points at it laughing. He smiles at her waiting until she realizes. Just like a lightbulb is switched on in her head, she understands. The boy hands her a small letter.
'To my beloved,
I have organized for the two of us to go to Tanzania to Volunteer for a month. We will be helping build a school and stuff like that. I know how much you talk about wanting to volunteer in another country, and it ticks off another country on your bucket list. I hope you like this present, if not just say so and I can get you something else.
                 The tall blonde, hilarious, kind, cute, loving, caring, sweet, amazing boy sitting beside you'

The girl jumps up wrapping her arms around the smiling boy beside her. The two have been dating for the whole month of December, the only people knowing are both families and the group of close friends. The two don't want public finding out, not knowing what way it could blow.

Last but not least it was Drew's turn to open his present, but Madelyn wasn't holding anything.
"Could you guys please follow me." The girl asks standing up. She directs all seven of them to the car park. She puts her hands over Drew's eyes as they walk through it. They come to a halt, all six gasping. Drew eager to find out what it is begs Madelyn to remove her hands. She does so, the boy being faced with a jet ski. He stands frozen as his jaw hangs low. He does a 180 spin to face the girl.
"Fuck!!" He shouts hugging the girl tightly.
"You won't be able to use it for a little while though, because your going home now, but I thought you'd enjoy it." The girl explains. Drew nodding his head. He runs up and jumps on the front seat as Forrest gets a picture of him smiling like a child.

The eight all go back to the apartment, have a game of Uno and leave. Drew and Rudy are the last to leave. Drew and Forrest sit in her bedroom as he helps her close her suitcase.
"Forrest." The boy states as she looks up at him.
"Yes?" She wanders.
"....Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks quickly. His cheeks red and sweat forming in his forehead. The girl nods rapidly as she wraps her arms around his neck.
"Yes, yes, a million times yes!" She replies using her words. Drew lifting the girl off her feet with the tight hug.
"I love you so much!" He whispers into her ear.
"Not a patch on how much I love you." The girl says, ignoring how cringe it is. The two share their final kiss before Rudy breaks the moment "Drew!! Hurry!" He calls from the living room. Forrest swings the door wide open.
"Hey don't speak to my 'boyfriend' like that!" She says to Rudy smiling. Rudy grins from ear to ear as Maddie starts to jump up and down in excitement.
"BOYFRIEND! Finally!!" She shouts clapping. 

The duo finally leaves, soon later Forrest and Maddie head to the airport, both getting their first class flights back to Ireland and North Carolina.

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