Little sis

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Forrests phones alarm plays at 9:30, they were to be at set by 10:30. Both Forrest and Drew wake up to the irritating chime. Drew rubs his head immediately regretting drinking last night. Both actors take sips from the water they bought the night before.

"Morning!" Forrest says as she climbs out of bed.
"Morning." Drew replies looking way too tired.

Forrest rummages through her suitcase trying to find a suitable outfit for the day. She chooses a pair of grey bicycle shorts and an over sized Gucci printed top. As she enters the bathroom she hears Drew get out of bed.
"Well I'm going to head down to reception and try find my room!"
"Yeah." Forrests laughs
"Anyways thanks for letting me stay here, wanna get a taxi to the set together?"
"Yeah, I'll meet you in the lobby at 10:15."
"Grand see ye then."

With that Drew left. Forrest took every normal step into completely her everyday look. Wash face, brush teeth, do hair, mascara, eyebrow gel and the tiniest bit of highlighter on her cheekbones, tip and bridge of her nose.

Time soon strikes 10:13 and Forrest shuts the door to her room. She gets into the lift and arrives down at the lobby by 10:14. Drew is already sitting on a chair waiting.

"Well.." Forrest says walking over in front of the boy and taking his attention.
"I already asked the receptionist to ring a taxi it should be here any minute."
"Grand. So, what room was actually yours?"
"209, I honestly don't know how I mixed it up."
"Probably because you were drunk."
"I was not drunk."
"Then why did you try kiss me?" Forrest says and every emotion falls from Drew's face turning bright red.
"Did I!?" Drew questions
"No!" Forrest admits laughing.
Drew let's put a massive sigh of relief.

The two are soon to be hopping out of the taxi at the set of Outer banks. Madelyn, Chase, Maddison and Austin were already there.
"Well, well how are the heads?" Forrest says walking towards the group.
"Fine." Chase answers
"I'm not too bad." Madelyn says
"Ye it's JD and Rudy that will be the worst." Austin admits
"Oh ye, when you guys left they got bad, Rudy was up on a pole, and JD was crowd surfing."
"Your joking!?" Chase begs.
"Nope, it was hilarious!"
All six crease with laughter as a taxi pulls up.
Both Rudy and JD wobble out. Both looking in a bad state.
The six immediately in fits of laughter.
"Well how are you boys?!" Maddie calls over
"Don't, just don't." Rudy retorts.

The eight soon make their way into the set doors.
The group of eight was split into fours. Chase, Rudy, JD and Forrest. Madelyn, Maddie, Drew and Austin. The first four were being showed around the set and to meet the other cast members while the second lot were getting fitted and hair and makeup practice.

Forrest, JD, Chase and Rudy are following a set constructor around as he shows them where some scenes will be shot. As the series will be filmed all over Charleston, there isn't much set to be shown. The four where then introduced to five more people.
Charles Esten, Caroline Arapoglou, Julia Antonelli, Adina Porter and Nicholas Cirillo.

Forrest and little Julia immediately got along. Although the girl was only 16 and Forrest was 21, they had a laugh. The lot were showed around.
As they were brought to the lot where the trailers were being kept everyone immediately seen one sticking out like a sore thumb.

Forrest immediately sighed knowing that was going to be hers, and she was going to be given special treatment. After minutes of begging and begging Forrest got her way. She was swapping trailer with Charles. Her new trailer was now perched between Julia's and Rudy's. The trailers went in the order of ;
Chases, Maddison's, Julia's, Forrests, Rudy's, Drew's. Then parallel to the six was; Madelyns, Austin's, JD's, Caroline, Nicholas, Adina. Charles large Trailer was sitting at the top, perpendicular to both Row's of trailers.

Time passed and it was now time for Forrest, Rudy, JD and Chase to get fitted. It was fun, trying on multiple outfits and getting a bigger understandings to what the characters are like. Drew, Austin and Madelyn were more well dressed as their characters were richer. Maddison and Forrest wearing nice clothes that looked a bit dirty or messed, as both their characters were quite wealthy but grew up messy. Then JD, Rudy and Chase, all wearing cheap clothes that were dirty and slightly torn.

As the cast was playing teenagers there wasn't much makeup to be practiced, mainly just the special effect cuts and bruises. The hair was kinda easy, the rich kids gelled back as the others messy and free.

A few hours pass and we wrapped up. We practically have a week to do what ever we want before we start to have practice runs and all the stunt coordination stuff next week.

The 8 of the main cast decided to go to the local petrol go karting. Well it wasn't too local it was a 45 minute drive. They all got one big taxi bus out together.

As they flew around and around the course it became very obvious to everyone that Drew was going to win. That was until Rudy took one for the team and crashed straight into him like it was bumper cars. Forrest and Chase soon took over as they were drawing in first place. The last lap and Maddison skids beside chase causing him to slow down and try go around her. Forrest thought she had it clearly won when Austin comes flying out of no where and wins. Forrest placed second and Drew somehow managed to make it back to third.

They all had great fun and went for food. The same stuff kind of repeated for the next week until they had to start working. They took on a inflatable water park, rock climbing, the cinema and even went horse back riding.

It came slightly noticeable to everyone that Chase and Madelyn were getting along quite well, as where Drew and Forrest. Everyone tried to persuade Chase and Madelyn into going on a date, which both brushed off. Nobody thought any more into Drew and Forrest as she was in a relationship.

They finally start shooting and it was super fun. Forrest had multiple make out scenes with Drew, they were both professional actors and tried to think nothing of it, but both thought there was something there. Forrest completely pushed it to the back of her head.

Months led on of filming, Forrests character breaking up with Rafe and starting to catch feelings for Jj. Forrest had more fun on this series than she had with anything else she's ever worked on.

The summer past and the cast all stayed super close. Forrest visiting home every one in a while. She tried to take Little Julia out every once in a while too. Whether they go to the cinema or something fun. The two were like sisters.

In August when the movie was wrapped, Forrest moved back home. She was constantly flying over to LA whether it be to see her friends, interviews, photo shoots, press, or to audition for things.

Rudy and Drew now live in an apartment together in LA, as does Austin with his parents, Maddison lives in LA alone, Madelyn and Chase both living in LA, in the same Apartment building but separate apartments. JD also lives in LA, but he has since he was 17. Forrest was the only one not living there, and it saddened her quite a bit.

Forrests best friend Jason now has a boyfriend, he met him on a dating app and are now living together.
Forrest laughed at how typical the boy was but she loved him.

It was announced during July that Forrest had been nominated for an Emmy. Drama, Lead actress for her outstanding role in 'Greta'. It was amazing news but she knew it wasn't likely she would win, she was going up against 7 of amazing actresses.

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