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Morning rolls about and Forrest is being smothered by the large teddy she slept with. She later in bed for minutes, thinking about life. Her eyes starting to well up as she let the thought of Liam and Courtney slip in. The man meant so much to her, he was her priority, now he's nothing. It was hard for the girl to let go. She cried in silence for time, until anger started to build up in her.

She knew Liam seemed a bit off the last few months , the girl never knew why. She had slight doubts, each in which she told her friends. She told Courtney in confidence, that may be one of the things that hurt her the most. 16 years of friendship, they grew up together, and for the girl to just throw it away like it was nothing.

Forrests father told her from day one that he would rather she didn't hang around with Courtney. He insisted she was bad for his daughter. She hadn't any ambition in life. She would constantly start arguments. She seemed snakey, and if she was anything like her older sister, you couldn't trust her at all.

Forrest hated to admit she was wrong, although she constantly tried to see the best in everyone, it wasn't worth looking past the worst.

The girl dried her tears after hearing Victory stir from her sleep. Both girls sat up, synchronized.
"How you sleep?" Victory asks
Forrest nods in reply, afraid that if she made eye contact or spoke, her best friend would notice she had been crying.
Forrest stands up and makes her way into the bathroom.

The girl takes a shower and goes about her normal morning routine. The girl cried a little more when she was in the shower, then a little more when getting dressed, and a little more when drying her hair. As much as she tried not to think about it, she couldn't do it. The girl had just one an Emmy, yet the parade was being rained on by her own state of mind.

"Babes, I'm going to order room service, want anything?" Victory asks.
"No." The girl replies quietly, trying to make sure the word doesn't come out broken.
Victory knew it was better to give the girl a bit of space, she still ordered Forrest food, knowing she'd be picking at hers.

Forrest finally finishes getting ready and leaves the bathroom for the first time since she entered this morning. Victory looks up from her spot at the top of her bed.

"Awh babes, wanna cuddle?" She asks
Forrest immediately shook her hair no, the girl sick of being upset. She tried her hardest to put on a strong front, it wasn't working. The girl fell, crying again. Victory jumped up to comfort the girl. Forrest pulled from the girls grasp. Victory shocked by the sudden movement. She couldn't understand why the girl was being like this. Forrest wanted to get on with it by herself, she didn't want everyone else's day to be ruined because of her.

Forrest picked up her bag.
"I'm going out." She said as she motioned towards the door, leaving.

Victory was greatly confused as to what had happened. She decided to ring Maddison.
"Hey Vick!"
"What's wrong?"
"Forrest just left, she got up this morning and locked herself in the bathroom getting ready, but she was crying. Then when she came out, she broke down again. I went to hug her but she pulled away. She just took off saying 'I'm going out'. She didn't get food or nothing. Just took her bag and left!"
"Oh my, the poor girl. When did she leave?"
"A few minutes ago."
"Any idea where she's going?"
"Well you ring Madelyn, chase and Austin and see if she makes an appearance there, I'll ring the others."
"Will do, thanks maddie."
The call ends

Victory immediately ring the three as does Maddie. All worried, hoping the girl makes an appearance at one of their houses.

The clock strikes 3 and everyone is worried, Forrest still hasn't been in contact with anyone. At this point everyone was starting to get worried, some more than others. Rudy calmed Drew as Chase did Madelyn. Drew and Madelyn worrying for the girls safety, Rudy and Chase, believing the girl just went out to clear her head.

They were right, Forrest did just go for a walk to clear her head.... But she's Forrest Brodigan.

She was walking along the beach, crowds starting to form around her. The girl decided it was time to leave. As she walked through the car park of the beach, a car starting to reverse. Forrests sight was focused on the floor, her eyes brimming with tears, making it near impossible to see her surroundings.

Suddenly, a loud thud, the girl collided with the car and landed a few feet from when she was formerly stood, now unconscious on the ground.

The next the girl knew she was in an empty hospital room. The girl couldn't move, she was scared. A doctor eventually entered the room, happy to see the young girl awake.

"What happened?"
"You were hit by a car, Ms.Brodigan."
"Ye ye I know that, what injuries do I have?"
"Fractured hip and two broken ribs."
"Ah grand, nothing a bit of sleep won't fix." The girl hopes.
"Only if that was the way." The doctor laughs.
"You know, your lucky your famous, other wise we wouldn't know who you are. It really made life a lot easier." The doctor chirps. Forrest laughs.
"Can I ring one of my friends, they are probably worried?"
"Yes, name and number and we can call them right away!"
"Great, where is my phone?"
"Here." The doctor lifts the bag from a table beside him. He hands Forrest the bag, she takes out her phone.
"Will I just ring them?"
"You won't get service."
"Alright then, can you call Victory, her number is 089 602 6767." Forrest calls out. The doctor furrows his eyebrows at the odd number.
"It's an Irish number."
"Do you not have someone with an American number?"
"Ok, Madelyn, 010 1310."

The doctor takes the information and leaves. Just as JD and Drew bust in the doors.

It's now 6pm. While Forrest was unconscious in a hospital, her friends wandered the streets. Each ringing her phone multiple times.

Drew and JD arrived at the beach, the girl was once at. The two ran up to multiple people asking if they had seen Forrest, all responding with bizarre looks.

The boys finally catch a break when they meet a group of teenagers.

"Any chance you have heard or seen Forrest Brodigan around here lately??" Drew asks one girl from the group.
"Yeah man, did you not hear, she was hit by a car there a few hours ago, the ambulance came and took her away and all that, I don't know what hospital she is now though." He replies, both boys hearts drop.

Forrest had been hit by a car.

The both run up and flag down a taxi. Demanding it takes the to the nearest hospital. JD jumps on the phone telling all his friends what happened. They all do the same as the boys and get taxis to different hospitals.

The boys had no luck at first when they arrived at UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center. They took their next journey, heading straight to Providence Saint Johns Health Center.

The boys were in luck. Forrest was here. They begged and begged the receptionist, they were not giving in Forrest room information. She believed they were just fans.

Drew took out his phone. He swiped and swiped through many photos of him and Forrest together, her with the group, funny videos and pictures, moments from set. The woman finally gave in. She gave the boys to room number, off they took.

Their feet not slowing down until they saw the girl again. They burst into the room as a doctor walks out, there she is sat there in bed, the girl looks rough in JDs eyes, but heavenly in Drew's.

Un-According to plan (A Drew Starkey Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang