Home? Home!

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The Duo rushed to Forrests sides, each eager to see if the girl was good.
"Sorry." The girl whispered.
"For what?" JD asks.
"Causing all this, I just wanted to go to the beach to clear my head, I didn't mean for all this to happen."
"As if we care.... as long as your safe." Drew says quietly.
"Thank you guys!" She says trying to reach her arms out to hug them, but winces in pain and immediately drags them back down to her sides. Both the boys lean in and gently hug the girl.
JD rings the rest of their friends, each on their way here.

The doctor comes back in, smiling.
"Your friends are here."
Madelyn, chase, Austin and Rudy all submerge from behind the doors.
Minutes later followed by an exhausted Victory and Maddie.

Everyone was informed that Forrest was going to have to stay in for minimum a week. These thoughts exhausted her. How was she going to move, how was she going to get home, it was all just so much.

During the week, her friends seemed very different. Victory had left, and everyone else seemed highly on edge. It was as though they were around to speak around her. It worried Forrest, she thought maybe she did something wrong, or maybe her friends are threading likely trying not to make the girl upset.

The girl had to stay in an extra two days, on top of the week. She was finally getting out. Rudy and Drew moved all her belongings from her old hotel room into their apartment. They decided to postpone her moving in with Maddison. She was going to stay in Drew and Rudy's for two days.

Although it wasn't highly recommended, she decided she was going to go back to Ireland. At least until she got better and was able to move in with Maddie.

The date came about and Forrest had just been discharged. It was decided Rudy was going to get a taxi to collect Forrest.

When the boy collected the girl she wobbled out on a pair of crutches. A brace from my knee, up the top of my leg, and around my waist. She wore a hoodie, which covered some, but not a lot, of the brace.
She got in the taxi and Rudy got her stuff. As they started to drive Rudy made Forrest wear a eye mask. He insisted he had a small surprise back at his apartment that she wasn't allowed to see. The girl eventually giving in, wearing the eye mask.

The taxi stopped and Rudy helped the girl out. The two were met with Drew standing outside the taxi. Both boys helped the girl out of the taxi and onto her feet, and crutches. She gave one crutch to Rudy and he carried it as-well as her bags. Drew took the side of her that was crutch-less, into his grasp.

The trio walked slowly. They walked into the lobby.
"Let me carry you, your too slow." Drew insisted, before the girl could even answer he was gently picking her up, bridal style. The girl sat in the boys arms absolutely clueless. Suddenly the girl felt herself being elevated. They were going up stairs.
"Drew your going to be exhausted." The girl laughs.
"Nah I'm strong and your very light. I'd say I could have brought you up with one arm." He retorts joking and the girl giggles.

They stop climbing stairs.
"Wow that was quick, Drew I may get you to bring me up these stairs more often." The girl messes, but being serious about how quick they were, it's like four flights of stairs. Pity the elevator still isn't working.

They walk down the hall and come to a halt when at the door. Rudy opens it and the three enter. They walk forwards to the living room.
"Okay Forrest, you ready for your surprise?" Rudy asks her as she still sat in Drew's arms.
"Okay take off the blind fold."
She keeps one arm wrapped around the boys neck to keep herself sat up. She uses the other hand to take off the mask.

The girl was faced with nothing other than a massive shock. The girl expected a small banner and maybe a balloon or two.

The girl was looking at massive open apartment, one that was definitely not Rudy and Drew's. She was looked at her mother and father, Jason, victory, Jasmine, Madelyn, chase, JD, Austin, Maddison, Julia, her brother Tyrone and his girl friend Sophie. The flat was filled with bright white and gold balloons. A massive customized banner saying 'Congratulations on winning, Welcome home!!'
The table was full of sweets and snacks, all surrounding a massive cake. The cake had a picture of Forrest, doing her Emmys speech while holding her trophy.

Un-According to plan (A Drew Starkey Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now