Some people slither

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Next day came around. The two girls got into separate vehicles. Victory in a taxi headed to the boys place, Forrest in a taxi heading to the studio she was told to go to.

She arrives at two big white doors, making her way in. She is in an empty hall. Pressing a buzzer on the wall.
"Hi, it's Forrest here for a lad bible shoot."
"Oh yes, hall on the last right, third door on the left."
A buzz plays signaling the doors are now free to be opened. The girl follows the directions. She is then greeted with a open door. She knocks the side of it and is then motioned to come in.

Chris is already sat at the table. Forrest is mic'd up, then makes her way to the tall Australian boy.
"Well, nice to finally meet you. The big Captain America!" Forrest says hugging the man, his facial features falling. Forrest starts to laugh and so does Chris.
"Your lucky. I didn't want to have a problem with The worlds all time favorite Irish chick." He says and the two laugh.
The two sit at the table joking and messing until the main man himself waltz's in.
"There he is himself, Big Man Kev." Forrest jokes standing up to hug the small man.
"That is I." He says before bowing to the camera.
Kevin gets mic'd up whilst saying.
"Aye Little Gump, so I heard you kept in contact with Dwayne and not me, what's that all about?" He asks pretending to be offended.
"Sorry, just have better craic with him." She retorts.
"You do Crack with The Rock?" Chris asks questioning the young girl. The room starts to laugh.
"Nah it's one of them Irish slang terms for Fun." Kevin insures the Australian.
"That's mad, Crack definitely means fun over in Australia too!" Chris makes a drug joke.

The three finally settle down and stop joking about.
"Hey Lad Bible, Its me Kevin Hart!" Kevin sings and both Forrest and Chris immediately crack up laughing.
"What was funny about that!?" The little man asks.
"Nothing, nothing." Forrest waves off.
"No really what I do?" Kevin asks
"Your like a 16 year old girl starting a YouTube video, 'hey guys it's me Kevin hart, back again with another YouTube video!'." Forrest imitates to the camera.
Kevin just crosses his arms and leans back in his chair pretending to huff.
"Ooh, The Forrest Brodigan made Big Man Kevin Harr throw his toys out of the pram! You seen it here first!!" Chris jokes.

"Okay okay okay." Forrest says calming herself and the two boys down from laughing so hard.
A boy slides a picture on the table.
"What is that?" The boy asks.
"That there is a popsicle!" Kevin says confidently.
"No, that's and Ice pop!" Forrest chimes.
"That's an icy pole!" Chris argues.

"What are they?"
"They are chips." Both Chris and Kevin state.
"Nah, we say crisps."
"You do it wrong!" Kevin sass's

"What are these?"
"Ah they are chips!" Forrest adds pointing to the picture.
"Oh they are fries!" Kevin calls.
"They are hot chips." Chris contradicts.
"What are they when they go cold?" Forrest asks Chris.
"We are peasants we don't eat them cold."
"But what would you call them if you seen them, like the morning after a night out there is a few left in the kitchen, what you calling them?"
"Well cold-hot chips I guess."

"What are these?"
"That's candy!" Kevin states.
"They are sweets!" Forrest argues.
"They are lollies!" Chris reacts.
"What?!" Kevin asks
"L-OLL-IES!" Chris sounds out each syllable.
"Then what are the ones on a stick?" Forrest asks.
"They are lollies as well." Chris answers
"Oh heavenly lord about, give me strength." Kevin sings letting out his hands looking to the ceiling.

The video finally ends. The three all talk for a few minuets and exchange numbers. They finally leave at about 1:20pm. Forrest gets a lift to Drew's and Rudy's house.

"Well... how's was it?" JD asks taking a seat beside the girl. It was now just Rudy, Drew, Victory and JD.
"It was so good, Both Kevin and Chris are hilarious." The girl blabs.
"That's great!" JD chirps, being genuinely happy for the girls cheerfulness.

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