Bunny in the water

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Forrest swings her hips to the music. The room bouncing with happiness and enjoyment. Forrest starting to get drunk as she takes shots with multiple groups. The girl currently dancing with a Tom Holland who's dressed as an 'average joe' and a Jacob Elordi who's dressed as Elvis.

The girl pops open a bottle of champagne, causing everyone's eyes to glance to her. Drew noticing she was dancing with the pretty British boy. Jealousy rilled up in the boys blood. The boy turned walking towards a group of people he was talking to earlier. Seconds after conversing with the three from 'On my block'. Suddenly Drew's lips are collided with Ronni's. The girl had been flirting with him all night, him not pursuing it as his heart was somewhere else.

Forrests stands frozen at the sight, merely meters ahead of her. She feels her heart drop as her eyes threaten to spill. The boy and girl break off, both looking around to see did anyone notice the kiss. Drew looked relieved to see that nobody did, until his eyes land on her. Forrest turns quickly on her heels, the boy try's to follow but she gets lost in the crowd.

Forrest making it to the table, swinging a bottle of Sambuca back as it rolls down her throat, the liquid not tasting like water to the girl. The tightness of her heart didn't release, her arm suddenly being pulled and into a group conversation. Maddison and Chase trying to explain to the tipsy Madelyn and Rudy, that even if you drink half a bottle of Vodka the percent of alcohol is still the same. Even drunk Forrest knew that Maddison and chase were right.
"If you get a glass of water and put two dots of blue dye in it, you drink half of the blue water. Half of the blue dye would be gone as-well as half the water so the ratio is still the same, you get me?" Forrest try's to explain but it goes in one ear and out the other.

Drew looks around for the girl, knowing she had a hurt look on her face. Drew finally catches the girl as she walks away from their mutual best friends.
"Hey you okay?" He asks grabbing her arm. She pulls her arm from his grip.
"Ye fine why?" She acts as though nothing happened.
"Earlier you seemed a bit off when I seen you."
"Nope I'm fine."
"And I just wanted to say she kissed me."
"That's great to know." The girl says sarcastically.
"I don't mean it like that I mean- ugh nothing." He ends started to get annoyed with himself.
"Wanna go dance?" Forrest covers up her sadness.
"Yes!" The boy smile.

The two mess in the middle, joking about facing with Forrests Baywatch friends. Forrest is officially drunk as she confesses her love to Rudy. The girl gets very loving and caring when she's drunk.
"Rudy you know I love you so so much, I don't think I would have made it through the last year if it wasn't for you cracking a joke every five seconds. I actually love you so much, like I'm not joking or nothing, I love you so much. One day we are going to find you the most amazing girl in the world, whether we have to travel the planet to get to her, we will do it. And I love your mother so much, and your dad, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be with the most amazing person in the world right now.." the girl rambles on with the greatest load of shite as she hugs the boy while they sit on the chair. Rudy is also drunk, he smiles the whole time Forrest talks. Drew and JD sit facing the two laughing at the drunk talk. Drew's heart warming at how cute the girl looked, spilling her heart to their best friend, as he smiled in response.

JD had been previously hitting it off with Sierra Capri, Forrest had met through Netflix shoots, the girl playing the main character in On My Block. Forrest hoped the two got together, they would make adorable babies.

"Karaoke!!!" Forrest jumps up screaming. The drunk girl nearly forgetting that there was a whole karaoke set up that nobody was using.

The Dj casts the lyrics onto a white screen behind him, Forrest and Rudy each holding a microphone, as the music starts to play in the background, 'don't look back in anger'.

The two song through the microphones as the whole room sings along, waving their arms in the air and having a great time.

"Soooo Sally can wait,
She knows it's too late,
as were walking on by-y-yy,
Her soul slides away,
Don't look back in anger,
I heard you say." The duet sound through the loud speakers.

Each movement she makes, and word the girl speaks, Drew falls a little more in love. The girl waltz's down from the Dj booth, straight to the Starkey boy.
"You were amazing! Truly made for the spotlight." He says as her arms wrap around his waist.
"Oh Drew, your the best." She says kissing his cheek. The boy blushes slightly as he smiles at the girls comment. He wasn't the best, but he would let her believe that if she wanted to.

It's now 4 o'clock in the morning and there is now only about half the people left. Drew, JD and Sierra being three of them. Forrest sat with the three at a table talking about life growing up in Ireland compared to here in the states. It wasn't until Forrest came up with the idea to go swimming the four got excited.

Forrest announced over the speakers. 'This Mother fucker is out of here, you can all stay for how long you like because the room was being rented out until tomorrow night.' Everyone celebrated knowing they could stay for how long they like.

While the four young actors all made their way out to a taxi out front. The taxi heads to the Beach, Forrest giving the driver $130 out of her pocket. The four head down to the sand.

Hugh Hefner, a play boy bunny, Cleo Patra and Batman all walking down the dark empty beach. The four stop at a nice spot. Forrest the first to strip. Her bags drops to the floor, she slides the heels off, throws the ears into the sand, her collar coming off next. Sierra soon follows, taking off her gold head piece and all her jewelry. Forrest turns her back to Drew, signaling for him to zip her down. The boy does slowly, the action looking incredibly sexy to anyone else. The girl strips until she is in nothing but a matching lace bra and thong. Sierra soon left in a gold bralette with a white thong.

Both boys immediately stripping excitedly. The four were all left in their under weather as they dart towards the water. Forrest running up to her mid thighs and diving in head first. The water nearly freezing the girl alive.
"About to here Celine Dion playing, it's proper like titanic!" The girl shouts when she emerges from the icy water. All three laughing at her.

JD and Sierra separate themselves, both playing together in the water a bit down. It was obvious to the human eye that the two were mad about each other.

Drew and Forrest were left to create fun by themselves. Forrest turns around and splashes Drew. The boys shocked as he stands soaked under the glimmer of moon light. The boy splashes back, Forrest immediately froze, not expecting him to hit back so quickly. The girl no longer liked the idea of splashing as she was freezing.

"Ow!" The girl shouted as she jumped. Pulling her foot up to look at it, a small cut with blood.
"What?" Drew asks worried.
"Stupid fucking crab!" The girl calls.
Drew starts laughing at the girl.
"I am getting out, these bitches with have my feet cheffed up." The girl crys
"No dont!" Drew begs.
"Here." He says walking towards he girl.
One swift movement and the girl is in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist, his arms curled around hers. Her hands traced around his neck. Both staring deeply into each other's eyes smiling. Suddenly the two start to lean, lips colliding in a slow manor.

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