My BestFriend Is Lord Voldemort's Daughter Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Confession and Devastation

"Georggiie says that it's studying," Clary whispered simply.

I was about to press my ear against the door to hear what was going on, but  we all went falling flat on our faces, but mine was sooooo close to certain pair of lips I didn't have my hands holding me up.

"My Miss Alesana I didn't know you wanted me this much," I looked down at a grinning George Wesley.

"Shut up..." I sent a dagger glare at George, got up, and walked out of the room with inflamed red cheeks. I quickly sort of speed walked to my room when a hand caught mine. I turned around to see George.

"Can we talk?" He asked. And for once that grin was wiped clean off his face.

I just nodded, as we walked into Marley/Ginny/Herminoe/My room. Thank gosh none of them are in here.

"What do you want?" I said a bit too harshly, but I was still pissed off beyond words.

"You're stillmad?Jessh you know how to hold a grunge,"He said.

"Yeah I am. I mean why would you do that! That was MY decision George! Don't you get that! I could handle myself fine!" I argued.

"Yeah SURE....How about that death eater that hit you with the spell and you almost died," He spit back.

"That was different!! I was caught by surprise!" I roared back.

"Yeah, CAUGHT BY SURPRISE! You can't be caught by surprise when you're out there because they're are going to be shooting spells left and right," He yelled.

" Like I said, I CAN HANDLE IT!!!!" I screamed. This nark was ticking me off as I walked closer and closer to this nark's face.

"Yeah you can handle getting yourself KILLED!!!!!" He walked up closer only inches away from my face.

"WHY DO YOU CARE!" I finally yelled. Why did he care...I was just Marley's bodyguard, and a freak. Why should he care?

"Because!....." He just looked at me unable to finish his sentence.

"Because what!" I crossed my arms against my chest. Waiting for the nark to give his "important" reason for being a control freak.

He took one step closer to me that I could feel his breath collide with mine, and I just looked down at my converse blushing at the fact of how close we were. Why was he so close!!???!? He gently grabbed my chin forcing me to look up in those dark blue eyes that I always get lost into. And I couldn't help, but get lost into them now. What was he doing...!!

"George..." I was starting to get a little freaked out...but a hidden feeling of anxiousness was starting to rise, and I didn't know what to do until I felt his sweet lips pressed against mine....H-He k-kissed me!!! And I kissed back as he pulled me closer to him. It was...a sweet kiss that made my heart skip a beat. Why did he always make me feel this way?

Then we both pulled away.

"whoa..." I was out of breath and  kind of confused as I looked up at George.

"W-What was t-that for?" I stuttered a bit in shock.

"That was me saying that I like you aly..." He looked me straight in the eye and I was just lost for words...What am I gonna say!? I want to tell him...I need to tell him now.

"George I-"

"George! The order is coming soon. Mom wants you and Fred downstairs...Wait was I interrupting something?,"Ron rasied an eyebrow at us.

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