Chapter 48

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Director's office in CelestiaLand...

It's been approximatively 2 months since valentine's day. My relationship with Eluma didn't change much. Fortunately, we're still the same. My days were the same as always. After finishing school every day, I went to CelestiaLand. Once there, I started by teaching the students. Because I'm the director, I always had to head back to the office once I'm done, since I still have work to do there. After finishing everything, I'd read the book that Hexy gave me in order to find out more about my past life, working on my future plans and on a way to get my real mother out of the palace. And of course, I always end my day by training with Hexy and Eluma. Once I go back to the human world, I had to continue the rest of the time studying and reading more magic books. So I'd most of the time sleep late. But that's not the only reason why I can't sleep well...

"You look pale, are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm just a little bit tired"
"Is it about the person you've been dreaming about lately?"
"You still didn't find who it was?"
"No. even during the dream, his face is not clear. All I can say is that it's a boy, and he always calls me Blackie, even though no one other than you and Hexy can call me by this name. I want to know who is this person, but there's too many possibilities. I have no clue, so I can't really start searching for his identity. Plus, I don't really have time to search for him even if I want to. I already have too much work to do"
"You're pushing yourself way too much. Let me help you with something"
"No need, you already have work to do"
"Ha? What work are you talking about? All I'm doing correct the students' tests"
"It's already saving me a lot of time"
"Yes but... but I'm still bored because you gave me the correction so it made it a lot easier for me"

At first, I'd correct the students test (regarding my lesson of course), but Eluma offered to help me, saying that he's getting bored of training and teaching all the time, and he wants to do something knew.

*sigh* "Then why don't you read a little bit? I'm sure it'll help both you and me"
"What book do you want me to read?"
"Huh? I don't know you can read the one that you want."
"It was your idea"
"... Okay but you're the one who'll read it. At least tell me what kind of book you want too read, and I'll see if I can help"
"Hmmm... then I'd like to read a romance novel"
*stop* "... Romance?"
"Yes, I'd really want to read one!"
"... Sorry, I have none"
"Huh? What? Why?"
"I don't like these kinds of novel. They always have a happy ending, where the villainess dies and the heroin gets what she wants. And most of the time the male lead is the one who'd save the female lead. As if a girl always needs to be rescued by a guy."
"Well, you're right..."
"...Look, if you want to read one that badly, just search in the category of novels. You might find one because when I first came in here, I removed all the books except those in this bookshelf, because Hexy told me to keep them for some reason. It's only one bookshelf so it won't take much time."
"Okay! Thanks!"
*searching for a book*
"Ah, I found one!"
"... Good for you"
"Blackie, can I take it?"
"You can keep it if you want. I don't need it"
"Thanks! I'll read it then"


Few hours later...

"I'm done."
"You finished your work?"
"Yes. Now let's go and see-"


*gets up* "Huh? What was that?!"
"... Down there"
*glance to the training ground of the Academy* "... Blackie, what is this demon doing here?"
"I don't know, let's check this out now"
"Blackie, wait!"
*jumps from the window to the ground*

"Where is your director?"
"Who... who are you?"
"What do you want from Black Akari?"
"Tell me where she is now, before I kill you"
"Oh my, my. Someone's threatening my students?"
"Black Akari!"
"There you are, princess"
"... Princess?"
"Black Akari, what did he just say... princess?"
"You guys are annoying. Eluma, take them inside. I'll take care of this guy"
"Please be careful"
"Don't worry, I'll be fine"
"I'll come back once I'm sure they're safe"
"Black Akari, stay safe"
Blackie "..."
*Eluma takes the others*
"Now then, it's just you and me"
"You have to come back"
*sigh* "Just how many times do I have to tell him that I'm not coming back anymore?"
"Lady, please don't forget that you're our kingdom's crown princess. Even if your brother comes back, you're the one our Lord-"
"Did you just say brother?"
"... Yes why?"
"... I have a brother?"
"Wait you didn't know? You have a younger brother."

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