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The next few days were very, very hectic. Everybody was rushing around - Elwin checking up on Sophie and all her friends, frantically rushing around while Edaline kept on asking if Grady needed anything or anything to eat.

Sophie was worried out of her mind about the alicorn babies- Tarina always told her, "They'll be fine. Rest."

But after days not seeing them, she couldn't believe they were fine. And rest? So not happening.

Today was the day.

The day where Sophie would get to see the healthy, live baby alicorns. Sophie saw the look on Silveny's face when she saw her babies go, and it broke Sophie's heart.

Tarina came in the room, scaring her out of her thoughts.

"Sophie. There's unknown people trying to steal babies. If we want to save those babies, we have to go now."

(A/N: Le sigh. I'm not going to end it here, even though this would make, like, the best cliffhanger. Me: So much for 'they're fine,' Tarina.
Tarina: Shut up. They will be fine.
Me: Never pegged you as the future teller type.
Tarina: Shut up.
Me: Never.
Jaden Smith and Justin Bieber: 🎵Never say never.🎵
Me: Didn't you just say it?
All of us: *facepalm*)

Sophie hid behind the tree, Tarina covering herself in the bushes. There were three cloaked figures circling the babies' hive. Sophie's heart clenched in the thought of the babies not returning to their parents. Silveny and Greyfell could never bear with the pain and loss.

The wind blew the hoods off of the mysterious people, and Sophie gasped.

They were Vespera, Alvar, and the black orb-throwing Shade.

Questions shot through Sophie's mind.

How did Alvar get out?

Vespera actually knew Gisela's plan?

What did they want to do with the babies?

As Sophie walked out from behind the tree, Tarina whispered, "Stop!" but Sophie didn't listen.

The three elves saw Sophie coming.

"Well if it isn't Sophie Foster. Long time no see," Vespera said.

"You saw me five days ago. Get your facts straight. I'm not going to waste any time. What do you want?" Sophie asked.

"What does it look like we want? We want the alicorn babies." Alvar said.

"So I see you've regained your memories." Sophie told him.

He ignored her.

"Umber, do you happen to have any extremely poisonous orbs?" Vespera asked. So Umber was the girl's name.

"Yep." Umber replied.

"Then we're all set," Alvar snarled.

"I don't know what they've done to you, Alvar, but I truly believe you could be someone better." Sophie said.

Alvar turned away. "My family already hates me for what I did. Since they already hate me, why not just finish doing what I had wanted to do before?"

Truth was, Alvar had a point. But Sophie didn't want to see the torn up Fitz like the one she had seen after Alvar's tribunal. She wanted to fix it.

"We're not going to give you the babies," Tarina said, walking out of the bushes.

"I know that. That's why we've come for them ourselves." Vespera snapped.

Sandor and another goblin bodyguard crept from behind Vespera and her companions.

They seized them by holding their arms. Umber let out a screech in surprise while fighting Sandor.

"Get off of me!" Vespera hit the goblin bodyguard. He didn't budge.

Vespera, Umber, and the last cloaked figure exchanged looks before trying to leap away. A tree was about to fall, but Umber was too late.

The tree crashes onto her, and everyone fell silent.

Vespera clutched Alvar's arm and saw they were outnumbered. "We'll back back, Sophie Foster. You can count on it." And with that, they glittered away, the oddest look on Vespera's face.

Sophie fell to her knees.

What would Fitz think of me?

I let his brother go.

Without a fight.

Without anything.

Maybe we're just better off as friends...

Maybe we'll be alright was the last thought in Sophie's mind before she blacked out, unconscious swallowing her whole, yet relief washing through her as she saw the blurry faces of Silveny and Greyfell's babies.

(A/N: That would be an awesome end to this chapter, but, guys, there's only one chapter left plus epilogue, yet I want to include most of the important stuff in Flashback. So I want to make this a little longer.)

Sophie's eyes shot open after a terrible nightmare.

There were faces all around the room- familiar and kind faces.

Fitz noticed that Sophie was awake. He grabbed her hand. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He looked her up and down.

"No, no, no, I'm fine, Fitz. I'm okay. But Alvar, he...." Sophie trailed off, looking away from Fitz.

"I know, Sophie, I know. But it's okay. As long as you're fine, I'm alright. We'll catch him." And the look on Fitz's face was just as adorable as it was earnest.

Sophie smiled lightly.

"Eh-hem," someone coughed from the other half of the room, "you guys aren't the only ones in here, and I hope you're aware of that."

"Get a room!" Someone said.

"They are in one, idiot! We're just in it." Someone else argued.

Both Sophie ant Fitz turned away, blushing.

Someone from the room gasped. "Were they about to... do what I think they were about to do?"

"Were they? I couldn't see with this giant oaf in front of me."

"Who's calling me an oaf?"

"Me, that's who!"

"Oaf? You're more like loaf. Of rotten bread, Keefe." Sophie knew who was talking.

"But bread is soft! And fluffy. That's literally describing Hunkyhair."

The other person sighed.

Sophie saw Keefe push everyone aside and Keefe looked at her. She stared back.

"Everyone out!" Grady said, "And, uh, Tha- Keefe, would you mind stepping away from Sophie? I mean, like all of you."

Uh-oh. Here came "the talk."
Who's had the boy talk with their parents? Not me. I'm so lonely my parents aren't even worried. Ultimate sadness.

Yes, like I mentioned before, there will only be one more chapter of this book. This book will end on my terms, and how I want to end it. The epilogue, after the last chapter, will connect this book to Legacy.

Thank you to every single person who's been down this road with me. I'm literally going to cry.

Comment how you felt about this book. I'll add a few reviews on my blurb (book description).

Thank you guys so much! Vote, comment, and share!

Have a nice day!


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