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   FOR A FEW minutes, it was just silent. Everyone was staring at Sophie, who was staring at her toes. Finally, Keefe asked, "Now?"

Sophie cracked a slight smile. "You that excited to get rid of me?"

"What, no, Foster! Just wondering what day I have to style the Hair." Keefe said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"But why, though, Sophie? Why are you leaving?" Biana asked.

Sophie made sure not to include It's because Fitz hates me now and I can't face him in her explanation.

"I just realized, even after all this time, I don't belong  here." Sophie said, her voice barely higher than a whisper.

"Fitzy's gonna need you, especially after Alvar's Tribunal." Keefe pointed out.

"I'd never thought I'd ever say this, but I agree." Tam said.

"See, Bangs Boy and I are best friends! He loves me." Keefe said.

"Fitz doesn't need me. He had Biana, he has Keefe, he has all you guys! Nothing's gonna convince to stay, just letting you know." Sophie replied, sitting down on her bed.

"When are you leaving?" Someone asked.

They all looked around, and they person they saw...

Or people....

Were Grady, Edaline, and Mr.Forkle in the doorway.
"Who's going where?" Grady asked.

No one said anything.

Sophie transmitted a It's better when we're alone to all of her friends, and so they quickly said bye and left. Sophie tried not to notice the look on Keefe's face.

Sophie led them downstairs and everyone took a seat.

"So, young lady, what were you guys talking about?"

"I...erm... was talking to my friends... and I told them that I was going back to the Forbidden Cities permanently." Sophie murmured.

"You're kidding, right?" Grady asked.

Sophie's mouth didn't seem to work, so she spoke her head.

Edaline had tears in her eyes. "But why?"

"Because... all this time, I was striving for a place to fit in... a place where I belong... but then, I realized that I would never belong here, and what better place to be in other than the place I grew up in?" Sophie said.

"And, after all this time, I'll never fit in. That's why I'm a misfit. I know I don't belong here, and I don't belong in the Forbidden Cities either, but I know there I'll be happy."

"Why aren't you happy here?" Mr. Forkle asked, and Sophie was surprised because that was the first time he had talked ever since he came barging in the door with Grady and Edaline.

"I am but.. in between school and the Neverseen... the stress has been overwhelming me."

"I understand, Miss Foster. I know you've made your decision, but I still hope you might decide to stay." Mr. Forkle replied.

He got up to leave, leaving Grady and Edaline with Sophie.

"I'm sorry." Sophie started.

"Oh, Sophie, you have nothing to be sorry about. I hope you'll be happy there." Edaline said, wrapping Sophie up in a hug.

"Me too, Mom, me too." Sophie said, tears filling her own eyes.

"I agree with your mom, but now we're getting to the point, so when are you leaving?" Grady asked.

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