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"Is it just me or I don't want to see those idiots again?" Sophie asked.

"No, Sophie, it's not just you, but I'm not sure we have a choice. It's just what life brings you. And in our case, it brings us a bunch of "idiots" in cloaks. Only thing is, they're not wearing cloaks." Tiergan replied, starting to walk around the tree in a circle.

"Even when life brings you idiots you're going to have to deal with them. And that's what makes people heroes - instead of pushing away, backing down, and surrendering, they rise and deal with their problems instead of cowering away. Sophie, you of all people should know this. You're a hero - yet you don't need or have a cape to show it. It's just the aura you carry to tell that YOU are a hero." Tiergan finished.

"So, me, a hero, should better be looking for Fitz or someone's gonna die," Sophie whistled quietly.

"Oh. Yes, that would be a nice plan. Do you even know how to work the tracker?" Tiergan said, straightening his shirt.

"I don't need to." Sophie said.

It already worked for her a long, long time ago.

(A/N: Don't worry, I even considered ending the chapter here, but waiting for a couple of days is hard, so I'll give you guys a few hundred more words.) _________________________________________________

"So you're saying he's inside a volcano in France?" Sophie asked in disbelief.

She wasn't even sure there were volcanoes in France. But if he was, Sophue would give Fitz credit for finding one. Not saying she was glad he was stuck in a random volcano or anything.

"No. I'm saying he's in a Forbidden City in a place that carries plenty of heat," Tiergan said calmly.

She didn't even bother asking how he knew that. Fitz could be in a desert for all she knew.

"Let's narrow it down, then. It's not in America, because America's not shaped like a boot, but Italy is, so it HAS to be Italy." Sophie concluded.

Tiergan stayed silent, confused on it all. He probably wasn't even sure what Italy is.

"And what direction was it?" Sophie asked Tiergan.

"It's south. Finally, I'm useful. I was starting to become mute," Tiergan said, the last part said more quietly and to himself.

"So I'm trying to think of all the warm south Italian cities and the only one that comes in mind is Naples. It stays warm pretty much throughout the year." Sophie said.

"I think I've heard of that one." Tiergan said. "The one in a state called, what is it, Forensica?"

Sophie sighed. If she was ever going to teach this man geography, she would need three thousand years and an endless supply of mallowmelt, a elvin dessert that tastes SO awesome, and she'd be set for life. Good thing, elves didn't die of old age. Maybe the elf creators were like, "Oh wow, there are so many wonderful ways to die, let's be helpful and take one way out! You're welcome!"

Elves didn't even look older, either. They stopped looking older after they turn thirty. So all the adults literally look thirty.

(A/N: Enough of this rant. We're getting back to current time where Tiergan said something about Forensica. That was just an extra thing I didn't add into the Background Knowledge Part Two.)

Sophie had never heard of any place named Forensica.

"The place that the Neverseen wanted you to meet before," Tiergan went on.


"Florensica? I don't know! It's that same place." Tiergan said.

"Yep," Sophie said, "that's Florida. But the one we're looking for is in Italy."

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