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"Gee, a warning or something would be nice." Keefe said. "Like, seriously, you're creeping me out. What do you mean 'change of plans?'"

Magnate Leto continued walking and ignored Keefe until he said, "So, Mr. Sencen, you know we scheduled a meeting between the of us, correct?"

"Who am I to say it's not correct? And that was before you agreed for the Fitzter and Foster to come, right?" Keefe replied.

"That was what I'd originally planned, yes. I had assignments for the three of you to do, but since you all had.. communication problems, I thought maybe I could break the news to you all at the same time. They are all related, after all." Magnate Leto replied.

Keefe and Fitz didn't say anything, but Sophie asked, "And what were all three assignments about?"

"That's what I'm bringing you to my office to discuss about. For now, be ready to leave at any moment."

"Forkle, you're creeping me out here." Keefe said.

"Ugh, is no one seriously talking?" Keefe asked, only to be met by the noise of their footsteps. Other than that, it was pure silence.

"I take that you're intending scare us. Am I the only one that's scared?" Keefe asked again.

Sophie muttered, "Who isn't scared?"

Fitz just grunted and said, "It would be nice if you explained why we're walking so fast."

"Yea," Sophie said.

"Oh come on! You guys only talk when the other one is talking." Keefe whined.

"But we're..." Fitz started.

"'But we're Cognates?' Oh, yes, I've heard of that one before." Keefe grumpily said.

"Keefe, we're not purposely trying to keep you out. We're all scared and that makes us not want to talk, but I'm not sure why you can talk..." Sophie said gently.

"Oh, don't mind me! I'm just rambling on and on to myself because I'm scared and I'm trying to fill the silence because the silence was kinda creepy."

Truthfully, Sophie enjoyed Keefe talking. So she wouldn't have to think about the scary possibilities of what had happened.

Sophie opened her mouth to speak but Magnate Leto spoke first, "We're here. Explanation now, questions later. Or whichever one you prefer, you kids."
Sophie found the chair she was sitting on was very, very uncomfortable. Either because that Magnate Leto had an imparter out and was talking to someone quietly outside the door or because that Keefe was now silent. Fitz was making a tiny, and cute, buzzing noise. Maybe both ideas made her uncomfortable.

"Who wants to come up with theories to why the school's on hiatus?" Keefe asked suddenly.

Sophie was really happy that Keefe was talking, but she was also scared that maybe he was hiding the scared boy underneath the funny cover he had. Sophie learned not to question him.

She said, "Maybe there's an verminion on the loose."

"Ack, no thanks, but tell it that it's okay if he shreds my books. Or she, I mean." Fitz said, stopping his buzzing.

"I don't speak verminion, thank you very much. I'm a Polyglot, not an animal controller." Sophie said.

"Good one, Foster. I'm thinking maybe they decided to let us out because we're awesome. Or, no, because I'm awesome. After all, ugly starts with 'u' and awesome ends with 'me.' Don't worry, I'm not calling you guys ugly. All the rest of the people are though." Keefe joked.

"If you're the only one that's awesome, then why did they let the whole school go out on hiatus?" Fitz asked. "See, you're not the only awesome one."

"No, it's because my awesomeness is so good that it's enough for the whole school's awesomeness!"

"Yeeeah.. right." Fitz said, sounding skeptical.

"You two can bicker, but Forkle's coming..." Sophie warned. "Just letting you guys know. Continue arguing, if you want to."

The door clicked open and there standing was Forkle. "We should get this meeting started, shouldn't we?"

"About time," Keefe grumbled.

"Yes, we should." Sophie replied.

"Yeah," Fitz said.

He took a seat, and said, "As I heard you have been talking and probably discussing about the school's closing, this matter is important. I need your word that you will not share this information with anyone. That includes all of your parents as well, unfortunately."

"You have my word, blah blah blah, don't worry about me, I will never tell my parents," Keefe said.

Sophie's met Keefe just to see if he was okay, and his eyes said, "I'm fine."

"You have my word." Fitz said. All eyes were on Sophie.

"You have my word but... does the Black Swan know about this?"

"Only certain people do, so please be careful so it doesn't slip out. This goes for all of yo-"

The door slammed open, and there was Granite, who said, "There's another one."

No one knew what happened, but Magnate Leto said, "Here we go again." before leading the three students out of the office.

I ended that chapter like that again. Sorry (not sorry). 😁

Thanks for reading. I can't stop thanking you guys for 1.2k reads. This is the dream.

Thank you puppy_world8910 for encouraging me to write a story. Without her this would still be a draft that I wouldn't have the courage to publish. Thank you!

Please remember that every. Reader. Is. Important. To. Me.

Thanks and please don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

Thanks again and have a great rest of your day!


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