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"What do you mean the babies have to be in hives? They're alicorns, not bees." Sophie said incredulously.

The troll, Tarina, as Sophie later learned, said, "That's the way we treat our babies. There's a few stages, all of which I shall inform you later on. But first, as our queen said, to ensure your alliance with us, we'll need you to clarify some things."

Sophie was getting more and more worried about the babies by the minute.

"For one, we've created a charm that blocks out your powers. We'll need you to wear that as long as the babies are in our care." Tarina said.

Was it going to be like the ability restricter?

"Don't worry, Miss Foster, we can assure this will not harm you in any way." Tarina said.

Sophie nodded.

"Secondly, we'll need you to swear that you will never speak of our alliance with anyone else."

Sophie nodded once more.

"And third, you'll need to get some rest. You're going to have a long day ahead of you."

Sophie frowned. "I'm not going to until the babies are in the hives or whatever."

"Miss Foster, we got it! Please, go rest." Tarina insisted, handing her the charm, "and put this on after you've drank some water."

Tarina walked away before Sophie could say anything.

But as worried as she was, she walked upstairs after she drank some water and laid on her bed.

Putting the charm on, she closed her eyes and pretended the alicorns were okay as she was.

"Sophie. Wake up." Edaline said and shook her.

Sophie's eyes shot open. "Are the babies okay?"

"Yes, they're pretty well. Tarina, your troll bodyguard, got it taken care of. The babies can see their parents in about a week." Edaline said, smiling.

"How are you?" Edaline asked. "The babies are fine. Rest."

Rest. Sleep. Be in peace. That's all people tell her to do these days.

"I'll go see Keefe. I'm fine, thanks." Sophie said, getting up from her bed.

"Sophie!" Edaline said.


"Your dad... he... he's in trouble." Edaline said.

(A/N: Look, guys, what you need to know is that I actually wanted to end it here. But 300 something words as a chapter? That's waaaaaaaaay too short. Also because I made you guys wait. So you're welcome. I didn't even know I was going to add that Grady might die or whatever. But I actually want to get revenge, because Keefe is not 'that boy.' Also because I can't have Sophie just chilling around eating mallowmelt for a week.)

"So you're saying he's trapped underground?" Sophie asked in panic.

"Yes," Edaline replied quietly.

"Do you have any idea where he is?" Sophie asked. She wasn't going to lose her dad after all that had happened.

"No," Edaline said, blinking her eyes as if she were about to cry, "excuse me." She stood up from the table and walked to her room, shutting the door behind her quietly.

Sophie sighed. It was as if her world was falling apart even after all her effort.

Sophie stood up. "I'm going to find Grady."

"Well, duh you are. Only heartless people wouldn't." Bo said.

Sophie didn't seem to like Bo much after that.

"Anyone with me?" She asked.

"Well, we're your bodyguards, so does it look like we have a choice?" Bo said again. Sophie really didn't like Bo. Ro was so much better.

Even if it was true, no one else said anything. Or complained.

Seems like me and Bo will get along just fine, Sophie thought.

"I thought you said you were going to go rest," Tarina said, walking up to her.

Sophie didn't say anything.

"I know something's bothering you." Tarina said.

" did you know? I'm supposed to be the mind reader, not you." Sophie chuckled nervously, still lost in her thoughts.

"I didn't actually know. I guessed - me and the other annoying bodyguards have been watching you for a loong time. It's just that you didn't know it. You... just can tell if something's wrong or the mood in the air or whatever." Tarina said.

"I know you're worried about your dad but... you need the rest, Miss Foster, because you'll have a few long and hard days ahead of you. I'll change into my shift of watching the babies, and I can assure you that the babies will be fine. I need you to rest. The charm may not hurt you, but can and will drain you." Tarina told her, and Sophie had learned not to argue her in the few hours she'd known her.

Sophie nodded, and slowly slumped upstairs, her tiredness surprising her. Her eyes didn't want to close, yet she closed them.

And Tarina was right.

That was going to be the most peaceful night she was going to have in a while.
Yes, if that's what you're thinking. I ended the chapter like that. @BookLoverforever27 was really hoping for a chapter today... and I didn't want to disappoint her... so I did, at 11:15 P.M. which is right now.

And I just can't thank you guys enough for 10k views on this book. I absolutely love you guys. So, so much.

Like I said earlier, I actually didn't plan on getting Grady in trouble. But I just can't let Sophie sit around for a whole week doing nothing. And eating mallowmelt. I also wanted a way to let you guys know that even in my fanfic the Ruewen family's connections are still very close and they still mean the world to each other. By putting Grady in danger in the process. Oops.

I've actually decided I'm not going to talk face to face with any of you guys. Well, not now, because I only have time on Mondays and in the next couple of Mondays I'm busy, and after that school starts! Which sucks, by the way.

Lucky for you guys, school starting almost has no impact on you guys. This book will be finished by then. But replying to comments - that's a whole nother story. I'll still reply, just on the weekend.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share if you liked this chapter.

Have a nice day.


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