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Then the look on Dex's face turned to amusement.

"She's asleep, right?" Dex asked hopefully, "because she looks like she's sleeping. Also because I'm trying to comfort myself. Uh-oh, the silence you're treating me with is not comforting..."

"No, she's not sleeping." Magnate Leto said, peering closer.

"Then what is she doing? Is she dead?" Sophie asked. "But she doesn't look dead," she added.

"Oh! I get it now!" Dex exclaimed.

"Of course you do, Technopath dude." Sophie muttered.

"Please do tell us, Mr. Dizznee." Magnate Leto added. "I don't like the particular scene of our Technopath on the ground. Unconscious and in a lump on the floor, too."

"Then why haven't you panicked yet?" Dex asked.

"Panic is not the best reaction to many situations. Panic will cause you to make unnecessary and stupid decisions. Also, I haven't panicked yet because of Ms. Tinker's love for inventing. Or perhaps she did something. Or maybe she made an illusion. Anything other than she is in danger. She is very important to us and the rest of the Black Swan." Magnate Leto replied.

"And what you found out is very important to whether we will panic or not," Sophie added, "because you took a pretty long time to break the news to us what the Neverseen meant when they sent the symbol."

"I can sense that this is actually a machine." Dex said, diving right into the topic, "So either this Tinker lady is a robot, or this is actually a clone."

"Why would she build a clone?" Sophie asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" The identical version of the actual Tinker Magnate Leto was talking about.

"Miss Foster, Mr. Dizznee, this is Wendy." Magnate Leto introduced.

"Who are you?" Tinker questioned Dex.

"D-d-Dex." Dex stuttered.

Sophie elbowed Dex, "Why are you stuttering? Last time I checked it wasn't cold in here."

"It's not..." Dex agreed.

"Then why are you nervous then? Oh, wait... you're wanting to build something with all these supplies. Technopath-like thing to do anyway."

The blush on Dex's face meant that she was correct.

"Tinker is a Technopath, Mr. Dizznee, like you. She's currently creating devices for Miss Foster's enhancing and to protect the school, anonymously, from any more threats or bombs of any sort." Magnate Leto said.

"She's explained to me how she has figured out the information about the bombs. She told me that looking at the bomb, and with research, she can confidently tell us that the bomb is current-time human made." Magnate Leto continued, looking at Tinker for agreement.

"The bomb seems to have no trace of fingerprints or any sort of signs that could lead us to the culprit, but, with Mr. Dizznee's help, we have been hoping for him to help Tinker to trace the bomb to where it was manufactured, and Tinker has a good hunch that it might be from the Forbidden Cities." Magnate Leto finished, looking relieved he had not given any false information.

"Can't seem to have enough of the Forbidden Cities," Sophie muttered, staring at a mechanical owl that looked so free and... happy.

"So.. when do we start?" Dex asked, looking very excited, his dimples showing.

"Tomorrow?" Tinker said, saying it like it was a question.

"Sure." Dex said.

"Well, Tinker, we'll see you tomorrow. Or better, Mr. Dizznee will see you tomorrow." Magnate Leto concluded.

"See you tomorrow?" Tinker asked.

"See you tomorrow." Dex confirmed.

"Seriously?" Keefe asked, his voice crackling through the importer, "Dizznee dude isn't in love with Question Girl?"

"Don't call them that. They have names for a reason. And you seem like the one asking a question now." Sophie said.

"Why can't I ask a question?" Keefe asked, looking innocent.

"Aaaand here we have another question from Keefe Guy! Maybe you should be Question Girl." Sophie snorted.

"Question Girl? Who's that?" Fitz said from behind Keefe through the imparter.

"Wow, Fitzy. Stop popping in my room, please." Keefe said.

"Shush it. You're in my room, just saying."

"Psh, you're just lying!" Keefe replied.

"Then why is there my picture?"

"Because I'm an awesome best friend and I actually keep pictures of by best friend in my room!" Keefe quipped.

"Aand I gotta go now anyways. Bye!" Sophie said, turning off her imparter before she could hear their replies.

After eating dinner, Sophie laid in her bed and thought What if I'm forgetting something?

What if the bombings were just pawns in the Neverseen's game?

After all, the setters, to their knowledge, has a great chance of being the Neverseen. And they must've had a reason to not set them off and destroy the whole school.
Waking up the next morning, Sophie realized what she was forgetting.

Today was the day of the meeting with the Neverseen.

MWAHAHAAH! I ended the chapter like that, yes.

Thanks for all the votes and comments!

Thanks to Keefie4ever , KOTLCfan4life , davidaly000 , and others for reading and commenting on this book!

Thanks for the 1.32k views. Every. Single. Person. Matters.

Thanks so much! For the votes as well!

Have a nice rest of your day!



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