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"This is a rather odd place for Fitz to be," Sophie murmured while waking through alleyways looking for her Cognate.

"I'm afraid I agree as well. Why could have Fitz thought Alvar was here?" Tiergan asked.

"Could you reach out to Fitz?" Tiergan asked.

Sophie's gut already felt, a long time ago, that Tiergan would ask this. It was simply the easiest way to reach Fitz.

"I-I-I don't want to. Or, really- I can't. I'm just sending this... feeling of doubt. That I can't do it. We haven't done Cognate training in a long time- and that's what this whole thing could be about- how strong our instincts are. What I'm saying is that maybe we could use our instincts on this one. And I'm pretty drained from teleporting." Sophie lied.

She had an odd feeling, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. It felt like she was forgetting something.

Silveny? No, Edaline already assured her she was fine even though Edaline herself had no idea exactly where the alicorns were.

She washed the feeling out of her before turning back to Tiergan who reluctantly nodded an okay to Sophie.

"So, we're going to go to Naples. On here," Sophie said, motioning to the tracker she clutched in her shaking hands, "it says that he's on the east side of Naples, if he doesn't move, that is."

Tiergan nodded.

"I have no idea what Naples looks like, so it looks like I can only teleport to places where  I know, and from there we'll have to walk on foot." Sophie said, laying out their plan.

Tiergan nodded once more, lost in his own thoughts, probably preparing another speech for Sophie.

"The closest one I know what looks like is Casoria. It's an Italian city about fourteen minutes away in car but if we have to walk, I'd say about half an hour or so." Sophie said.

"What's a car?"

"Never mind. Won't the Councillors be able to track us?" Sophie asked.

"Since Oralie is a Councillor, she had no choice but to tell the rest of the Councillors, but, fortunately, she's told them what was at risk- a son of a very important elf of our world- so they must let this incident go." Tiergan replied.

Sophie couldn't bring herself to trust the Councillors. They were the ones who decided to bring Alvar back to Everglen, and even though Sophie and Fitz had a fight about it, Sophie still kind of believed that Alvar wasn't supposed to be forgiven easily, as though he did lose his memory of all the terrible things he did.

They walked around the city, looking for Fitz around ever corner and every alley.

"I've thought about it..." Sophie said blankly.

"About, you know, being a hero." Sophie continued.

"What is being a hero mean to you? It's different for everybody - and every year every student says something different - from wearing capes to hiding identities to being invisible. And the only thing I tell them is that being a hero is a lot of different things." Tiergan said while looking oddly at a passing car.

"At first, like you said, I though heroes were people who flew around, saved people and were super strong." Sophie said while kicking a rock around.

"But I later realized, heroes have things they're scared of too - it's just the way they act that just blocks it out. It just puts pressure on heroes. That's why some heroes choose to be silent yet loudly helping the world.

"So, to me, being a hero means doing the right thing without a complaint. Doing it because it's simply the right thing to do - and still not care about attention or how famous you're going to get when you do it.

"Overall, a hero is someone who cares about everyone and anyone - no matter what the consequences will be. Strong at heart, brave in soul, fearless in life, and unstoppable in the future. That's what it means to be a hero." Sophie finished, stopping at an alleyway to catch her breath.

Tiergan smiled grimly. "And I'm sure you haven't noticed, but you've unknowingly described yourself to me. Sophie Foster, you are one elf hero of our generation. You have what it takes to be a hero."

"Now be one." Tiergan said. "Now, Sophie, I have an urgent thing I need to take care of so I cannot stay with you, unfortunately. I wish you luck on finding my student and your friend. I hope you can let me know what you went through on your journey."

Tiergan turned back and looked Sophie in the eye once more, like a dismissal, before glittering away.

Sophie was now alone.

(A/N: I should've ended the chapter like this. But a reader really wanted an update so I'll make it longer for them. Also because I actually wanted a cliffhanger instead of leaving this chapter in peace.)

Sophie walked through the streets, thinking about all that Tiergan said.

Being a hero doesn't mean you have to wear a cape.

Being a hero doesn't mean you have to be invisible or have superpowers.

Being a hero simply just means you help your world in any possible way you can.

Sophie stopped. There was a big crowd of people around something in the heart of the city.

Sophie stood on her tippy-toes. She jumped up and down, moved side to side to try to see what was happening.

No, not something.

She found someone.

And that someone seemed to be Fitz Vacker.

Hi! I'm glad you've made it this far in the book.

I've actually done the math and... we have 13,511 words left in our 50,000 word goal. Not including this chapter, though. So about 12,500 more words, so maybe about twelve more chapters.

By that, I mean at least twelve more chapters. I need to complete the whole plot of the book. I'll actually end the book on my own terms but in the epilogue I'll connect it to Flashback's epic cliffhanger.

I can't believe I'll be leaving Impossible behind after finishing it, but I'll still reply to your comments.

Thanks for reading!

This chapter is dedicated to SophieFoster209 !

Have a nice day, y'all, and don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


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