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"Wait... that's good, right? We don't have to look for them." Sophie asked.

"For one, no it's not a good thing, and two, why were you looking for them?" Grady asked, his voice rising with every word.

Sophie tried to explain everything, but Grady kept on interrupting her and saying, "It's That Boy's fault," with that evil overprotective father look.

Two hours later, with an exasperated Sophie, a confused Edaline and an undecidable Grady.

"I have no idea whether or not to be mad at you. You didn't tell us about that sooner. But I'm glad you're safe. So now we have to find Vacker boy?" He asked.

"Yep. Sounds about right." Sophie said.

"I'll hail Alden, Della, and and all the other important grownups." Edaline called from the other room, eavesdropping.

"Not the Councillors, though." Sophie told Edaline.

Edaline sat down at the table. "I won't get them involved. I'm sure they're already worried about Alvar and how he escaped from the shed."

Sophie went up to her room and hailed all of her friends and told them to come over as soon as possible.

While waiting for her friends, other than Fitz, she thought, Maybe it's not as hard as it seems, because maybe they just had to apply the earlier formula to this symbol.

But this was much, much harder. There was no trace of this symbol being created, no trace of the date, no trace of anything.

Sophie had done her research in the ten minutes she had to wait for her friends. As the Edaline called that Sophie's friends and their parents arrived, she rushed downstairs.

Sophie filled everyone in on everything. Biana looked especially heartbroken. Her oldest brother had escaped and her older brother was missing.

The first thing everyone fought about was who was going to go to the meeting.

Sophie thought the fight was lame. Without knowing where to go, how would they go?

Sophie went up to the table and grabbed the scroll. Maybe...

"Hey, guys.... I think I know where they want us to meet up."

"Yeah, please tell us, I'm getting tired of the fighting," Tam said, who was the only friend of Sophie's whose parents didn't come other than Keefe.

Sophie was tired of the fighting, too. It usually went something like this:

"I think it's best if I go with Sophie. I can protect her." (This was probably Sandor.)

"Well, I think it's better if I go, you big headed six feet tall goblin! She definitely likes me more than you!" Ro said.

"Well then why am I her bodyguard?"

"Elves suck at making the right choices!" Ro replied.

"Maybe I should go with her!" Keefe jumped in.

"Where he goes, I go, Mister Sasha." Ro chipped.

"It's Sandor."

"Maybe Sophie should pick," Della said.

"Well, Sophie will choose me," Sandor says.

And then it went on and on until Sophie said, "QUIET! If don't wanna die, get out! 'Cause I'm giving some life-changing news, and if you don't wanna hear that either, I'll happily show you to the door!"

No one moved.

"So, this place is also in a Forbidden City. So if you'd like to step out of this house, you may." Again, no one moved.

Edaline looked proud that Sophie was becoming a leader. Someone who lead things with courage.

"So, each state means a different color. Yet, no state is black. In the midst of the symbol, there is a red star. That means America, the same country as the other meeting a few weeks ago.

"Since it is a red star, it'll be the capital of that country, Washington D.C., and in the center of that star is another star. Meaning we meet them in the heart of D.C."

"Wouldn't you have to know how it looks to teleport there? That's because you don't have a light crystal leading to there." Biana asked.

"I do know how it looks like. I've been there before and I'm glad to tell you that I memorized the map of D.C. so we won't have to worry about not finding a way out just in case we get chased or something." Sophie replied.

"We need to prepare! We need armor..." Edaline said.

Alden, Della, and other grownups nodded and agreed.

"But how will we know when to meet them?"

"Yes, I've thought about that. It's the nearest holiday that's related to there- President's day. Which is tomorrow."
Okay-ish cliffhanger I guess?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

Lemme know if you guys would like a sequel to this book.

Thanks again and have a nice day!


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