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      Sunday was a day well spent, and that was a lot coming from Sophie.

She'd made posters for people to sign up for her tutoring classes, everyday between the hours she had between after school and before work and all day on Sunday.

She already had a person named Anna, who'd signed up.

Sophie would earn a flat 20 dollars an hour, and she had two hours between after school and work, so that would be about forty dollars a day.

Well, that's progress!

After she'd finished making posters, she'd decided to walk in the park.

After the walk, she went to the library to pick up a few books and set up a website for her tutoring classes.

Of course, since she kinda was a child genius, she could've tutored college students, but she decided not to because she much rather have preferred teaching time tables rather than teaching the formula of a circle.


Ever since her arrival in the Forbidden Cities, she'd never gotten sleep.

But, on Sunday night, her sleep was rather peaceful and nightmare-less.

Drifting off to sleep, Sophie thought, Maybe, just maybe, things go uphill from here.


Sophie jinxed herself.

She had a well sleep.

Maybe too well.

She'd had slept in too late, so she had run to school.

Not speed-walk run.

Like, I'm-in-a-marathon run.

She'd gotten more stares than she'd gotten her whole life.

Even though she ran like crazy, she ended two minutes late.

Then she'd gotten detention lunch from first period because 'she was out of breath because she was running in the hallways.'

She silently cursed every teacher in the school while she'd walk to second period.

When she'd gotten to second period, Tony happened to be in there.



"So.. uh, how's it going?"

"I'm sure I'm doing worse than you."

"Should I be proud?"

"You do you."

"So, how bad is it?"

"As bad as waking up late, running to school, and getting detention because I 'ran in the hallways.'"
Sophie put up her fingers to show quotation marks.

"It's not that b-"


"Nah. I've already earned detention for a month!"

"Ohh... fine. I might have it easy."


"Ugh. You are so annoying."

"That's what I do!"

"Nevermind that. Where's Sandra and Samuel?"

"Oh.. they're home sick."

"They told you?" Sophie raised an eyebrow.

"Uh-by the way, the look you're giving me is terrifying- yes they did."

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