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"Ogrish tracker? That means it knows where I am, right?" Sophie asked, staying oddly calm.

"Yes. I'm looking for a solution to that. I need something to get rid of it." She walked off with Elwin to talk about possible ways to wash of the chemical without damaging skin.

Sophie was thinking of why she was being tracked.

But wait a minute...

Didn't Fitz get hit too? Meaning that he is being tracked as well?

There must be a reason why the never hit Tam. Of course, the Neverseen was always looking for Sophie (sadly), since she was the most powerful elf in the whole elvin world, blah blah blah.

And there also could be a reason they also purposely hit Fitz too. Meaning he could be in even more danger than Sophie already was.
(A/N: The chapter is not over yet. But this could make a great cliffhanger though. I'll be thinking of good cliffhangers, you will not be spared from them. Now, moving on with the chapter.)

"Hello?" Keefe waved his hand in front of Sophie's face, "Don't tell me you've been possessed! You look like a machine. You know those cute moving things in the Forbidden Cities? Hmm... what do you call them? Chopbots?"

"Hmm... I'm pretty sure it's robots you're talking about. And you call those cute?"

"Of course, Foster! Robots! Yes, I think it's that. I know I'm the cute one here." He raised his eyebrows up and down.

Yeeeeah. Sure. Whatever.

Lady Cadence came rushing in with Elwin.

Just as Sophie suspected, Lady Cadence said, "The same tracker is on Fitz. But in his, it's killing him slowly. Starting with his heart."
(A/N: Still not over. Don't get rid of me too quickly. But this would also be a nice cliffhanger. I'm practicing my cliffhanging skills currently.)

"So... it's killing him?" Sophie asked Keefe for the third time after Elwin and Lady Cadence went rushing back out of the healing cots to find anything that could help the chemical die down quickly without giving the chemical's victim a permanent scar.

"That's what Cadence said, yes." Keefe replied, trying to keep the worry out of his voice to calm Sophie down.

"Where's Mr. Forkle?" Sophie asked.

"No idea." Keefe replied again.

Sophie sighed. "Am I going to die?"

"I think Fitz is going to die before you. Oof. Sorry for that dark moment. Lemme rephrase it: no. You're not going to be the first one to die in this room. Here, happy?" Keefe said, still trying (and failing) to be optimistic in moments just like the one currently.

Well, he failed miserably.

"I'm going to die. Ahhh. I'm fourteen. Or fifteen. UGH! Those annoying elvin years. And I'm dying before I get pointy ears! Well, I don't want pointy ears. I'm going to die before I learn all the annoying elvin things everyone but me knows! I'm too young to die." Sophie exaggerated, walking around the room just to sink back down into the bed.

"Don't worry, you won't die today. At least I hope you won't. Then you won't be able to see my awesome hair in the future." Keefe wiggled his eyebrows, which just caused Sophie to roll her eyes.

Then Keefe scooted closer (A/N: all y'all Sokeefe and team Foster-Keefe fans, prepare) to Sophie.

"Okay, Foster. As an Empath, I know you're worried." He clutched her hands in his. "And I also know I really, really, suck at comforting people. But! You've almost died a lot of times! And where are you now? Still here! Nothing to worry! Okay, maybe I shouldn't have brought up the times you've almost died. Okay, I really suck at this. Just pretend I didn't say anything and I'm being the amazing Hunky Hair and nice elf I am and being a very, very, comforting friend you never had. Of course, it's all lies, but whatever. Now, do you feel better?" Keefe asked and said in one whole breath.

And Sophie couldn't breath. Maybe Keefe was too close. Or maybe she was just trying to interpret what Keefe just said.

"You... talk fast." Sophie said.

"What? Oh. Yeah. I know. Are you feeling better?"

Truth was, she wasn't really better.

What she could've said: "Oh, thanks for trying to help, Keefe, but not really."

What she actually said: "Yep."

At least that the message was short so he couldn't hear the shakiness in her voice.

"Don't lie to an Empath. You know it never works."

Never mind then.

"Tell me how you actually feel. And don't worry, I won't tell you you'll die, regardless of what you say."

"I-" Sophie started.

The door slammed open. Councilor Oralie was there.

"We need you in the office. Now."


Maybe I should stop with the cliffhangers.

*thinks for a split second*


And if you've read We the Weirdos, it has a similar cliffhanger. And if you've read it, you know that I asked if you guys wanted cliffhangers the answer I gave y'all was "Me too. I would like a sneak peak for the next chapter too. But life ain't fair, so you don't get one."

I also promised you guys a double update with We the Weirdos, but I didn't, because I published the chapter of We the Weirdos yesterday. Sorry.


I have a sneak peek. For the next chapter. And what'll happen in the office. By the way if you're a We the Weirdos reader you're in luck because I have a sneak peek! For those who actually read both of my books. *smiles*

Chapter 5 of We the Weirdos and Chapter 32 of Impossible will have something bad happening. Nothing good happens in the office.

And it's going to be about someone getting hurt/ got hurt/ was hurt, and-

I'll stop here. If you want to live in tension and not want these sneak peeks, suit yourself. Be my guest.

Have a nice day, don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

Thanks again!

(To all them Impossible readers, I still love you guys more than the We the Weirdos suckers. Just kidding. But you've been with be longer than they have and I'm grateful for that.)


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