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Sophie blinked. No, it couldn't be.

She shoved people aside, earning odd looks and Italian curses she'd rather not repeat.

She stood in front of the unconscious Fitz, and rapidly spoke English, and many people gave her confused looks. Then she remembered she was in Italy.

An Italian man stepped up to her.

"These people are worried about your friend." The man said, with a strong Italian accent.

Sophie told him, "We'll be fine. Thank you, sir, have a great day." He smiled and nodded and translated.

He told the group in Italian, all of which Sophie understood, that Sophie was taking Fitz to the hospital and asked them to leave. They, one by one, giving the three a look before walking away.

"Be safe, children. The world is bigger and more dangerous than we ever knew." The man said.

They said goodbye to each other before the man walked away.

Now it was time to deal with Fitz.

That was difficult.

For one, Sophie didn't want to teleport with an unconscious boy. Or light leap. Or travel with him in general.

She dragged him deeper into the alley so people wouldn't see them.

She walked around the alley, staring at everything there was other than the unconscious elf behind her.

Fitz groaned. Sophie's eyes widen, surprised he was already conscious minutes after she found him.

"Ugh... where am I?" Fitz asked, stretching and looking around.

"Italy." Sophie replied.

"What's that?" He asked.

"A Forbidden City." Sophie said staring at the ground with many cracks.

Now it was time for Fitz's eyes to widen. He jumped up, peering around. "That's enough information, thank you... where's Alvar? Did you guys catch him? He's a murderer. He doesn't even deserve freedom. He deserves to stay in Exile until his ears grow pointier than Bronte's! Which is never." He said.

"Fitz... we've had him from day one. That's what Keefe didn't tell you - after he took Dex, Cadence kicked him unconscious and Forkle dragged him somewhere." Sophie said, taking his shoulders and shaking him, "We have him, Fitz! Don't go after him until you have all the information."

"Sophie... I need to talk to you. When we get back."

Sophie had no idea why, but nodded. She couldn't describe the look in Fitz's teal eyes.

Taking his hand while fumbling to get the leaping crystal to leap to Everglen, she looked Fitz dead in the eye before glittering away from Italy.

The second they landed outside the glittering mansion that belonged to the magical Vacker family, Della ran up to Fitz and took him in her arms for a hug. Fitz's arms stayed by his side, still angered by his parents letting his brother stay at Everglen.

Della moved Fitz's hair from his face. "Sweetie, we were so worried about you. We're glad you're okay," Della said before wrapping Fitz in another hug, and this time, Fitz relaxed before patting his mom gently on the back.

Sophie was glad Fitz was okay. Truly. But she couldn't miss the crack in Della's voice, and she never talked like that.

Fitz's father, Alden, came out and smiled at Fitz before whispering in Della's ear and leading her back into the mansion.

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