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"Well, well, well. Well isn't this a surprise." Alvar grinned evilly.

"Well, could you get out of here? And, give Dex back. Please. Very appreciated." Keefe approached cautiously.

"Or you could just tell us what you want and give us Dex back." Sophie said.

Biana was too shocked to say anything. Her brother had just got injured badly and now she saw her psychotic other brother, so her anger, shock, or whatever she was feeling was understandable.

I thought the Neverseen wanted Dex. Not to kill him. Sophie thought to herself.

Unless... Alvar hadn't contacted the Neverseen since his escape.

Which meant they had to get Dex back before the Neverseen got their hands on Dex.

"I want my sister back." Alvar said.

"Excuse me?" Keefe asked. Sophie really, really, wanted to punch him.

"We never took her. And I doubt she wants to go with you." Sophie said calmly.

Elwin mouthed I'll go get Forkle to Sophie before walking away into his office.

"What if we do give Biana?" Keefe asked, and Sophie gave him the are-you-crazy? look.

"Hey, at least you don't have to watch us bicker." Keefe stated.

Sophie gaped at him.

"Ugh, fine. What if we give her to you?"

"You get this blondy boy back and I leave with my sister."

Sophie didn't really trust Alvar, even if he was her friends' brother. She lifted up her left arm, pain shooting up it.

She spotted Lady Cadence behind Alvar, and looking at her face, Sophie saw that she didn't trust Alvar either.

Cadence's face showed a look that Sophie translated into should-I-knock-him-out? look.

Sophie nodded rapidly while internally sighing in relief.

Worry surged through her brain, seeing that Alvar was eying Sophie oddly, and right as he turned around, still with Dex in a choke's hold, Lady Cadence kicked him, causing him to let Dex go. Right as Dex escaped, Lady Cadence continually kicked Alvar until he was unconscious.

"Before you say anything," Lady Cadence said, "he won't be out for long. And you'll have to explain what happened."

Just as Sophie finished explaining what had happened, Elwin and Mr. Forkle burst through the door.

"Where's Mr. Vacker?" Mr. Forkle asked.

Then he eyed the body on the floor and dragged him away. "I'll be back," he said.

"These chemicals on your hand seem to be ogrish. I'll need to take a closer look at it, but I'm sure it's something we've seen before. I've studied plenty of such chemicals so it wouldn't be difficult for me to identify it, but enough of that." Lady Cadence said quickly.

As Lady Cadence studied her hand, Keefe and Biana were bickering. Again.

Sophie wasn't sure to be relieved or worried. Biana was talking now, but she seemed to be angry. Probably at Keefe.

Elwin sat down on the bed Sophie was on. "I'll need you to drink some elixirs. Don't worry, they won't taste as bad. Meaning it won't taste as bad as the ones you've taken."

"Gee, thanks, that's reassuring." Sophie muttered sarcastically.

"Okay then! Drink this one first," Elwin said, handing her a bright pink elixir. "Don't worry, it doesn't taste as bad as the other ones."

That was very assuring. Not.

As Elwin popped open the lids of the elixirs, Lady Cadence said something.

"I need you to stop moving." She said. "I can't see the type of ogre chemicals if you're moving around like a banshee."

Sophie sat still while watching Biana and Keefe bicker.

"I thought Foster wants me here. Why would she want you here?" Keefe said.

"Of course you think she thinks that you think that you should stay, you big headed-verminion! I serve a better purpose here because unlike you, I could help! My brother and my friend are here, so it makes more sense that I stay because I have two reasons!"

"I think I'm confused," Keefe said.

"That's right. Now, get your confused self outta here. Now would be a nice time." Biana offered.

"Hmm.. you're right," Keefe said, making Biana grin. "But no." Biana groaned.

"You're being difficult!" Biana said to him.

"Pah, as if you're never difficult!" Keefe stated back.

"Who's more difficult, Foster?"

"Whoa, oh, don't get me into this. I'm not taking sides. Both of you are difficult, alright?" Sophie said quickly.

"But who's more difficult?" Biana pressed.

"Oh, I can say that Biana's more difficult." A crisp accent said from across the room.

Fitz was awake.


Once again, I ended the chapter like this. But, don't worry! I have a sneak peak of the next chapter. Or, better, next chapter's cliffhanger. Same difference.

The next one is about what ogreish chemical is on Sophie's hand. Meaning that it's something bad. You're welcome.

Anyway, make sure to check out We the Weirdos. No updating schedule out for that yet.

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Thanks so much for 3.50+ reads!

I'm planning to finish this book within the next two months, during summer. If I'm on track, it'll have about 60-70 chapters (like a real KOTLC book), so about forty  more to go.

Feel free to ask questions!

Thanks and have a nice day!

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