Background Knowledge Part Two

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So... here's part two of anything I didn't fully explain in part one.

Just to make things clear, Magnate Leto and Mr. Forkle are the SAME person! Just disguises.

A cache is something that holds secrets that are too dangerous to be in a single elf's mind.

Kenric died in a fire created by the former leader of the Neverseen (Fintan).

Gethen gives Sophie nightmares due to what he did to her- tortured her and attacked her in the books.

Oralie is one of the twelve Councillors, and Councillors are not allowed to be married or have children.

Hmm... I can't remember if there's anything I didn't explain....

Fitz has a vendetta against his brother, because in the first book, it was Fitz's brother Alvar that kidnapped Sophie and tortured her and Dex (her best friend, I see you @BookLoverforever27) along with Gethen. Yep. Those evil brats.

If I didn't make this clear earlier...

I created Lady Cadence's 'gliding.' She doesn't really glide, but I promised this book will have a LOT of twists and turns.

I created the torture maze for Sophie. And I also created the tracker.

Tiergan is Sophie's telepathy mentor. And his disguised version of himself is Granite.

Granite, Mr. Forkle, and three other members are the leaders of the Black Swan, a group organization that tweaked Sophie's genes into having brown eyes instead of blue and making her into having a LOT of different powers.

The Neverseen are the bad guys while the Black Swan are the good guys, to make anything clear.

The Black Swan is super secretive. Like, no kidding.

The Neverseen ALWAYS, and I mean always, wear cloaks, but in the previous chapter they didn't. I have a reason to do so, if you're wondering.

And if you guys want to add anything here, let me know!

Ciao, people, ciao adios.

(I am not French if you're wondering.)

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