Chapter Twenty Four: Resurrections and Revenge

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Vivi's POV

My blood is freezing in my veins with the knowledge that I'm his target. I have never been more scared yet instead of hiding I'm out in the open exposing  myself to him. He's the best the underworld has to offer.

When I think of Sly's final words before we split up, my blood freezes. Our last curtain call... The sun setting on us... Those are words in Li Jie's vocabulary. He specifically said the sun has set on his father just before the old man passed away and again that Wang Lei should prepare for his last curtain call the day before he was executed. It's making me wonder if Sly carried out the executions. She has always been more faithful to Li Jie than the triad. She tells me most things except what he instructed her not to say. It makes me think about something else... Who was Li Jie really?

I scratched my head taking handfuls of my red hair. I foolishly left Italy to save Freya. I failed to get a hold of her and I couldn't get the message through to Francis. I cant reach Marianna. The universe is conspiring against me. I looked at  my phone. The sinister message is creepy.

Three little girls went to play in the woods. None came back.

"What does it mean?" I came straight to the source of all this madness instead of chasing the wind. She is not apologetic about anything. I beat her up to my fill before I tied her up. "Scarlett, I'm tired. If you don't want to talk, I'll put a bullet in your head and we can be done with this. What does this mean?"

"I thought Marianna was the shallow one. Freya is dead. I staged a robbery. Marianna is dead. A truck drove right through her car." I closed my eyes trying not to play out the scene in my head. "You're next. Get it? None of them came back."

"Are you sick? Do you enjoy all this unnecessary blood shed? You're the one Armor should commit to an asylum!"

"Freya stole my man!" She screamed at me.

I rolled my eyes. "He was never yours if he left you for someone else."

"And then Francis had him killed! Brandon lied to me and he betrayed me but he was mine! He wasn't perfect but he was mine! Francis had no right!"

"So you went after Cole. And now Freya? And what did Marianna do to you?"

"She made me a pariah in high society. All she had to do was say something bad about me and the words spread like feathers in the wind. The rumours grew out of control and the invitations to parties stopped. I was hurled out of the inner circle of the finest in society because they were too scared of offending the high society princess. The fashion icon. They all sided with her."

Marianna's public opinion on things holds a lot of sway. People value her opinion. Being the owner of one of the biggest and famous fashion houses, people almost worship her. Some are scared of her. Throw in the Mafia rumours surrounding the Balotelli name and she isn't questioned. I'm not surprised that she did it for Freya.

"Wait, you want to kill her because she convinced a handful of people not to invite you to tea parties?"

"She ruined my life!"

"Of gossip and tea parties?" I laughed harshly. This woman is bloody mad. "You are insane. They are both my friends! I'm sorry but your a menace. It's time for you to go."

I picked up the gun and stood up. My side hurts. She drove a knife into me during our encounter. I have lost quite a bit of blood in this mad pursuit. Getting through her security has taken a toll on me. I can't take any more hits. A quick execution should do.

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