Chapter Nine: Life Goes On

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Theo's POV
The man came down to one knee as he redid my tie. He's a serious man just like my father but he hasn't reprimanded me for not getting it right. He only squeezed my shoulder and looked at me with a sad expression. He said he's my uncle when he picked me up from Tokyo. I was scared so I left with him. He told me my parents lost their lives in a car accident.

"It's a hard day for you. Both of your parents are dead. You have my condolences young master and it is my hope that you weather this storm with nothing but strength."

I nodded.

"You will have many wishing you well. It's alright to cry just for today. After they are laid to rest, I will teach you how to be strong. This pain will pass."

"Yes sir."

"This way." The men he came with opened the door for me. I avoided eye contact with their mean looking faces. Every other servant I knew is gone. It's just strangers and I'm scared. I feel so alone. I miss my mother. "Hold your head up."

It feels heavy and it's easier to look at the floor but he has an authoritative voice. It's like when father told me to do things and even if I didn't want to I would because his voice commanded me so.

As we descended down the grand staircase with a blue carpet I stopped to gaze at the portrait of my mother and father on the wall. Mr Romanov stopped as well. He gave me all the time I needed to look at them before I continued on.

The guests in the living room immediately stood up. I recognize only three of them; Mr and Mrs Harrington as well as Mr St Patrick. He presented a boy with dark curly hair and green eyes. "Hello Theo. Do you remember me?"

"Yes sir I do. You are Christopher St Patrick."

"Yes I am. This is my son Bruce." I extended my hand and we shook hands with the boy. "And my uh... Courtney."

Courtney has sharp green eyes. My mother also has... had green eyes but hers were warm. She came down to her knees holding my face in her warm hands. "I'm not going to ask you if you are alright little one. Instead I'll tell you that today will be a difficult day. It won't get better tomorrow or the day after but if you give it time, you'll be able to adapt to your new situation." She kissed my forehead.

When she got up and stepped back to be next to her son, Mrs Harrington came down to her knees and hugged me. I love Mrs Harrington. She's a wonderful person. Her hug almost made me cry. I tried not to but I ended up crying. Bruce ran his hand up and down my back trying to console me. It took a while before I was ready to let go of Mrs Harrington.

We proceeded to the back with my hand in hers.

I don't like the back of our home. There are graves here. Most of my family is here silently resting. I can see two empty graves. I squeezed Mrs Harrington's hand. I pressed my face against her body. I don't think I can do this.

"Theo, it's alright. You don't have to look."

"He has to." Courtney countered. "It's part of closure."

"He's just a child." Mrs Harrington ran her fingers through my hair.

"A child who is now an orphan. There's no need for him to live in denial. He has to see this happen if he will move past it."

They started arguing.

I felt someone pull me away from Mrs Harrington. When I looked up and saw Mr Romanov, I wiped my tears away. "I'll show you to your seat."

Vivi's POV
I have grown numb to pain.

The first time Theo was ripped from my arms I almost lost my mind. Every second after that was torture at its best. It was difficult to wake up and get through the day. I was hurt and I didn't want to live anymore. But this time, I'm not feeling like that. After we came back from Marseille, I carried on like nothing happened.

I'm wondering why I'm not falling apart. I am terrified of being so well put together. I should be breaking down. I should be in tears and inconsolable but I am functioning fine. Henrik and Harriet were buried a few weeks ago. It was a sad day for Theo. I saw his pictures in the newspaper. I wanted to be there to hold his hand even as the long lost aunt. The impulsive Vivi would have gone to the funeral. It is difficult but I understand that it is safer for Theo if I am not in the picture. I love him enough to put his safety ahead of my selfish interests.

"I can help you with that." Zeke stepped in when I was prepping dinner. I hate being in the kitchen yet it is calming when I have much on my mind. He took the knife from my hand and began chopping up the carrots. He does a much better job than I do. I have all shapes on my board while his are perfect slices. "Are you alright?"


"I can't say it will pass. I am sorry for making you feel like you had to choose between your two children. At that moment I wasn't thinking about the welfare of the boy but rather how insecure his father made me feel."

"Why would you feel insecure? I never loved Henrik. I loved the idea of him. But I love you Li Jie. Only you."

"If you still want him, I can reach out to Popov."

"I want my son very much but he is better off without me. In other news, I think it is time to go back to the island." My eyes met his. I smiled at him. It slowly dawned on him. He broke into an infectious laugh.

His mom -who has moved in with us- got intrigued with Zeke's laughter. She looked between us with her son's excitement rubbing off on her. "What are we celebrating?"

Zeke made his way around the kitchen island. He lifted me off my feet and span me around. After he had his fill, he set me down on the floor finding my lips. I felt a little shy about him kissing me in front of his mother. He pulled away but he stayed close. "I love you!"

"Tell this old woman what is happening!" She clapped her hands to draw us out of his bubble.

He stood behind me with his hand resting on my stomach. "We are pregnant."

She broke into a joyful babble. I merely watched too emotional to do anything.

As much as something will always feel like it's missing, life has to go on.

The Sinclair Series Book #1: Tragedy Of Love Where stories live. Discover now