Chapter Six: Ex Boyfriend

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Henrik's POV
"Sir, there's someone here to see you."

I barely looked up. I'm trying to get through the work load I have so that I can take a vacation. It's been sla while since I took a vacation. Working not only grows the Sinclair fortune but it also keep my mind busy. "Send the person in."

Someone walked into my office. I looked up and it was Zeke or Li Jie which happens to be his real name. I looked the man up that very night after I had dinner at his house. I had my best P.Is on the job. He's the second born son of one of the most wealthiest and powerful man in China. Rumour has it that they are a crime family. He doesn't fit 'crime family' description. The man I met that night was too nice. He isn't looking like the happy neighbor I met.

"Good morning neighbor."

"Cut the crap." He told me flatly. He took a seat in front of me engaging my eyes in a stare off. "You seem like a reasonable man. This is going to sound like something every other jealous man says but mine doesn't stem from jealously. It stems from a deep need to protect my wife from the man who stood by and watched her suffer."

"You know nothing about us. Stay out of it. It doesn't concern you."

"She's my wife. It concerns me. I'm asking you like a decent man. Don't give me a reason to be violent. It won't end well... for you."

"I'm her first love. Her first everything." I taunted him even if I know Nate was her first. "Her first born is mine. You are just a second choice."

"Stay away from my wife. This is your last and only warning. Good day Sinclair."

I got distracted after he left. He's fighting for her. This isn't going according to plan. I had to force my mind to focus when again, another knock. Before I gave consent for the person to enter he let himself in.

"May I help you?"

He chose not to speak. He walked to the window and stared out at the city below. My eyes moved up fully tattooed arm. Who does he think he is to walk into my office uninvited and to feel this comfortable?

"No. You can't help me." He answered. "I'm here to help you."
His blue eyes smiled at me. He looks like a man probably in his late thirties. "My name is Leonid Romanov. I work for Yuri Popov."

Popov is my mother's family name. She comes from a mob family.

"What can I do for you?"

"Stop your business dealings with Armor Deveraux. This business has always been between Popov and your father. There's no room for third parties."

"No. There must be a mistake. My father wouldn't do business with the mob."

"I'm not a storyteller but how do you think he ended up with your mother? She was part of the contract. We paid our end now you uphold your father's agreement with us. Armor Deveraux can't be part of it."

I started working with Armor after he threatened to expose me for this very thing; working with the mob. Such things destroy companies.

"It's complicated."

"Make it less complicated."He narrowed his eyes. "Or you tell me to take care of it."

"You will get rid of her."

"We prefer to avoid it. But it shall be taken care of if you can't solve the situation. You have twenty four hours."

I have no intention of staying away from Vivi. I obviously have bigger things to worry about like the Russians but she's on my mind and I can't be helped. Her husband is a hindrance.

The Sinclair Series Book #1: Tragedy Of Love Where stories live. Discover now