Chapter Ten: Making Deals

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Henrik's POV
When she's still, perfectly still with a gentle smile on her beautiful face, it is difficult to tell she is rough around the edges. I want perfection. I want a wife I can show off. I want a  woman who will blend in with my circle of friends and acquaintances. She has to be perfect before I present her to my father. He's expecting me back in Marseille in a few days. Is that enough to polish this rough diamond?

"What?" She spoke with her mouth full.

"Slow down ma chérie. The food isn't going anywhere."

She widened her eyes at me. "Why? I'm starving." She shrugged. My eyes shifted to Fiona. She's seating alone on the other end of the room pretending to be reading a magazine but I know she is eavesdropping. She thoroughly disapproves especially after she found us making out passionately last night. She gave me an earful about betraying Aria Deveraux. I had to tell her what my plans are. She is not on board. "Have you ever gone without food for two days?"

"Nine days." I answered. "I have gone without food for nine days."


"Our boat was shot out of the water. We were floating on debris for nine days  without food and water until we got extracted."

She placed the half eaten toast on the plate. "Did you serve?"

"Yes. Navy since I was nineteen. I'm recently retired."

"You were surrounded by water, why didn't you just drink?" She laughed.

"Your body gets rid of excess salt by having the kidneys produce urine. But for that to happen, the body needs freshwater to dilute the salt in your body for the kidneys to work properly. Sea water is toxic for human beings because the human body cannot get rid of the salt that comes from sea water ma chérie."

"Oh. Okay. But I'm not a soldier. I'm hungry." She took seven slices of bread. "I have a large appetite deal with it."

"Is it so in bed as well?" I teased her. She blushed a lot and ended up laughing herself into an adorable snort that irritated Fiona. She rolled up her magazine and left the living room.

"I don't know. Maybe." She kicked jam off her fingers.

"I have a proposal for you. Marry me and let me give you a comfortable life."

"My mother won't approve."

"It doesn't matter what she wants. What matters is what you want. Why didn't you call her? Why Court? Why do you think Court called me? Can't you see that at the end of the day we end up in the same space? Doesn't that say something to you?"

"No." She shrugged.

Is she shallow, dense or doesn't she just care?

"I love you." She stopped chewing her food to look at me. I love her green eyes. Maybe after she gives me a son we can have a daughter with her red hair and green eyes. Her genes will be a beautiful addition to the Sinclair bloodline. I reached across the table and opened my hand. She reluctantly placed hers in mine. "Marry me and let me shield you from everything. I'll prorect you. I'll provide for you. I'll love you. Think about it ma chérie. What do you have to lose?"

I closed the door. She heard me but chose to ignore me.

"I know you don't want to do this."

"I work for your father. I will not displease him."

"My father is in his late sixties with diabetes, high blood pressure and a heart condition. He won't be around for long. I'm the future of the Sinclair legacy. If you want a job, you work for me." I got closer. "And I want you to fix Vivienne. She has to be ready to be presented to my father in five days."

The Sinclair Series Book #1: Tragedy Of Love Where stories live. Discover now