Chapter Thirteen: The Reality

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Vivienne's POV
We have been lost in the ecstasy of each other's lips for a while now. Nothing around us matters... only what is between us and that is hardness nestled tightly in my wetness. I can't help but feel pleased with his expression. It's one of depth. His sounds equally match his face. I inched my self Al little higher kissing his lips once we had bought caught our breaths. I'm equally lost in him as he is in me. He lay me down taking my wrists in one hand.

The clouds are dark and thunder is clapping. It will pour heavily at any moment but we don't care. We won't part until we can't do it anymore. Out in the open and exposed to anyone who may wander our way Henrik is ploughing me hard. My back can't take it anymore yet I don't want him to stop. I can't feel my legs. That numbing feeling in is threatening to paralyse my legs. His hot mouth found my sore nipple. He pleased me to another release. I have lost count.

When we came here this morning it was for a picnic. We did that and sometime in the afternoon after our intentions couldn't be put at bay anymore, he kissed me. It was just like he did the first time on the yacht. I have come to understand this kisses. This kind expressed hunger. He explored underneath my dress and I allowed everything after that until this point.

I dag my nails into his back marking him as he roughly in plummeted himself in and out of me without the finesse he started with.

I felt the first drops of rain before the downpour started. My stallion kept going not detected by the heavy downpour. He kept suffocating me with his lips and his hardness seemed to be growing inside me.

"Henrik... Rain..."

"Let it." He responded kissing me like a mad man.

I slipped back into the depth of passion between us no longer feeling the cold rain as he shielded me with his body. He crashed into me much harder keeping his thrusts shallow yet full of depth. He nestled a handful of my hair around his fist delivery the final powerful thrusts. Only then did I feel a gush of warmth spilling into me.

I kissed his lips as our bodies slowly stilled. We came down from our high while he was still inside me, on top of me. He rubbed my lips with his thumb. His eyes have never been more blue than they are now. "I love you." He told me with a serious expression.

Someday I'll repeat the words but I'm not yet there. "As you have clearly demonstrated. I hwv never been loved like this."

"I wanted to wait until we are married but I decided the sooner the better. You never know about tomorrow."

"Let's get out of the rain." I suggested when the heat of love making faded and the reality of being rained on sank in. I ran off naked and he followed with a wet blanket in his hand. We sheltered in an empty barn. "Why is it empty?"

"I have no idea." He laughed. "We need to start a fire or we will freeze to death."

"Henrik, the horse!"

"He went home when it started raining. He knows his way."

It was a beautiful white horse.

I listened to the rain pelting against an the iron sheets used as a roof for the barn. My mind wandered off to the butter argument I had with my mother this morning. I told her I'm in Marseille with Henrik. She flipped out and ordered me to go back to Dublin. I don't want to live in that dull town if I can live here in beautiful Marseille.

"A diamond for your thoughts?" He draped an old dusty blanket over my naked body. I sneezed when I inhaled the dust. "Bless you. It's the only thing I could find."

"It's the thought that counts." I turned my head to recieve a kiss.

"Come close to the fire."

I accompanied him. He found an old pair of trousers for himself with more patches than the actual cloth. I sat on his lap draping the blanket around him as well. We stayed in comfortable silence watching the fire. I'm upset about the way my mother reacted. She insists things are bad here but she won't say what it is.

The Sinclair Series Book #1: Tragedy Of Love Where stories live. Discover now