Chapter Eighteen: Mommy Dearest

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Vivi's POV
Kai and I are sharing a room. We can't afford to be separated. He came out of hiding shortly after the mafia left with Theo's son. "Well? Did you tell him?" He asked. "Did he take it well?"

"No he didn't. He threw a tantrum. I'm giving him time to get himself together."

"And I thought I was difficult." He sat down on the bed. "I couldn't sleep. I kept dreaming of dad."

"What did you dream about?"

"I don't remember. I just remember his face. Mom I don't want to forget his face."

"That's what photographs are for."

"Why are you cold about this? Your husband is dead! Chen isn't coming back and you're bullying your way back into Theo's life! Are you even human?"

"Yes!" I screamed at him. "I can feel every bit of pain! I'm not immune to it! I just don't wear my heart on my sleeve! What good will crying over Zeke do? Will he come back to me? No. I used to cry. I'm over it." I turned away.

"Who hurt you this badly? I think it's time we talk about it, don't you? Mom, my damn cousins are coming after us. At least let me die knowing why my mother is cold."

"Theo's father... It started with him. I was coming from this boring party. My mother introduced me to bachelor's hoping for a good marriage. Marry up she said! Then Theo's father asked for my hand and she said no. All those years of wishing that I find a rich husband and then she said no. She sent me away. She was scared of something. At the time I didn't know what. I went to Berlin. I tried my hand at s new life. I was a coffee barista in a popular cafe. But that didn't last because this perverted politician decided that he wants me."

"Let me guess, you gave him hell."

"I did. I ended up in jail. A phone call or two later Theo's dad got me out. Not long after that, he wanted to marry me. I got pregnant. But there was another woman. They had an arrangement. I ruined that arrangement. Her mother wasn't pleased. Out of nowhere she waved her wicked wand and voila! Enter the wicked twin! She took me captive and the twin took my place. She put me in an asylum. Theo was born there. I never even got to hold him. They took him away and gave him to Harriet. I escaped the asylum and that is how I met your father."

"I... Well... Your life is interesting."

"Six years later in Tokyo, Theo turns out to be the neighbor. Henrik wanted me back. I said no. Things got messy. Harriet and Henrik ended up dead. I walked away from Theo. I chose not to be in his life."

We heard the door creaking open. Theo leaned on the post watching me. "What happened in Tokyo? Did you have something to do with their death?" He asked me. He looks calmer.

"I wouldn't go through the theatrics of setting up an accident scene. I would just shoot them."

"So what happened?" He asked. "Help me understand the tragedy that befell me."

"You're the one fooling around with the duchess's grand daughter! Have you asked your would have been in law how your father died? Who do you think took you away from me? Armor Deveraux has been behind all this hell. I had nothing to do with it and I won't stand for you accusing me of anything!"

"Other than abandonment!" He screamed at me.

The rage switch has been flipped on. He and I are short fused!

"I think we should all calm down." Kai spoke up.

"No need. You're upset. Blow your top." I urged Theo.

Kai got out of the way. He folded his fists. We are both ripe with emotion. I have just buried my husband and Nick just took a son he loves. We are both hot headed and unreasonable. He slowly unfolded his fists just when I was expecting a physical confrontation. I eased my stance.

The Sinclair Series Book #1: Tragedy Of Love Where stories live. Discover now