Chapter Nineteen: The Golden Goose

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Henrik's POV
There is little I remember about the day of the accident. For starters, when I woke up, I was alone. Harriet wasn't with me. I though I was dead but I realized I was in a make shift hospital probably even a basement with. I remember feeling confused. I remember looking around and not seeing anyone but a reflection of myself on an old stained mirror. I was badly hurt with scrapes and bruises all over my face. The doctor who attended to me -a timid man from the way he avoided eye contact- told me it was a miracle that I survived. Harriet wasn't as fortunate. I asked the doctor to help me escape but he refused. I understood why when I was finally removed from the basement. I saw several guards before they bagged me like a corpse and told me to behave. But as the days oozed into weeks and the weeks grew into months, I realized one thing. It would have been better if I had met my death that day in Tokyo. Being alive meant I was a prisoner.

Long story short, I was saved by a young woman. I don't remember her name but I remember that she set me up with a passport and cash. I left London and made it to the Hamptons where I have been hiding since.

"Last call for breakfast!" Court yelled.

I will miss this woman.

I smiled as I put away the book I'm reading. I don't leave the house. My fears have made me a prisoner is Christopher's basement. He is the one I came to after I couldn't reach Frank. Both of them have been visiting and spending time with me. I have experienced friendship at it's best.

After four years, I'm ready to go home. I know Courtney will be thrilled. She seriously wants her basement back. It's a question she asks every other day after breakfast. She's funny. If you are not the type to take offense z it's easy to get along with her.

"I'm here." I set the suitcase down. She did all the shopping for my clothes. Sometimes she included something pink or yellow just to get on my nerves. She's quote a character! Chris must have his hands full. "Do you think it's sunny in Marseille?"

She turned quickly. She smiled when she saw the suitcase. "Look at who grew a pair! Henrik's day out has finally come! Here is a muffin for the road!.

"It's half eaten." I noted. She reduced it by a bite.

"It's the thought that counts." She winked at me. "Not e it can fit in your pocket."

"Courtney, on a serious note, I want to thank you. This place has been home and you have been wonderful."

"No one has ever described me as wonderful. Can you state it for the record? I want Chris to hear that I have a softer side." She held the phone. "Speak."

"Courtney, you are a wonderful woman!" I proclaimed it.

"I'm sending it to Chris right now. He called me a bat from hell."

I will never understand how the argue all through the day and manage to stay together. I couldn't keep my marriage together. I failed Vivi one too many times. Everything bad that happened to us is because of my failure to protect her or better yet to let her go.

I gave Court a quick hug and a brief kiss on her cheek. "Bye."

"Henrik, diplomacy never works. If someone threatens you, put them six feet under."

"I wish I could do that. Tell Chris I said goodbye."

I set foot outside the door step for the very first time in the five years I have been in Christopher's basement. It's time for me to go home.

Vivi's POV
"Tea." Marianna's voice silenced me. I didn't cry on the day I got news of Zeke's death or on the day of the funeral. I just couldn't. Things were moving too fast. "Where did you get that?"

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