50: Mystic Falls

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That's Giovanni Rissi ^^^^^


"Get in the car. You and I are taking Hope on a little trip," Klaus said, walking hastily. "Huh," I asked him. At a time like this? "She can sleep on the drive," Klaus said. It was getting quite hard to walk with him. "Where are we going," I asked. "Hope's school knows how to deal with a werewolf's first transition. They have a facility," Klaus said.

"I take it, you have a plan," I asked. "I do. And while I do it, I need you to look after her to-to make sure she doesn't exert herself," Klaus said. We couldn't have done this when I dropped Nick and Lucas off yesterday.


Caroline was in the middle of a tour with parents when we interrupted. I had Hope wait in the car while I said hi to everyone. "Where do you keep the hybrids," Klaus asked. I was catching up with the twins, Lizzie and Josie when he said such a thing. "In the root cellar," he asked. Caroline looked at him then at me surprised as ever.

"Excuse me. I just need one minute with this very lost new janitor," Caroline said and I laughed. "Is that him," Lizzie asked me. "Huh," I asked. "Your husband. Mom said he looks like a toad. That's a very hot toad," Lizzie said, eyeing my husband. I snapped in her face. "He's technically your uncle-in-law, Missy."

They both giggled as Caroline took Klaus elsewhere to discuss this plan he had. I had said my goodbyes and went back to Hope. She didn't come in because she said she had enough of Lizzie and Josie.

But when I got back to the car she wasn't there. I went back into the school and found her in the library. She was checking out Stefan's diary. "We're not supposed to touch it but I practically have the whole thing memorized. Spoiler Alert: Dad is the villain and you're everybody's lunatic best friend," Hope said. "Dear Diary, I lied to a rabbit today about my name. I told him it was Joe and that lie will haunt me forever," I mocked. Hope smiled while I smiled a sad smile.

"How come in every one of these books Dad is the big bad wolf, and you're just there," she shrugged. "I worked behind the scenes," I said. "Let's get out of here. Let's go to the Grill. Oh, I would kill for a burger," I said excitedly. "I'm not hungry," Hope said. "You can get a milkshake. Drop the attitude," I told her.

I felt cool driving Elijah's expensive car. If I had this back then you wouldn't be able to tell me anything. We took a seat outside the Grill and enjoyed the great weather.  "I remember, right there, was where I first began to turn when the original objective was to keep him distracted so my friends could... not important. Your, uh, father had moved me to the woods. About three miles from where his mother was doing some creepy spell. It sounds a lot more chaotic than it actually was," I explained.

"Tell me more about living here,"Hope said. "Cookies n' cream. Whip cream on the bottom. Just how you like it," a teen waiter said. Hope looked at him and smiled. "Thanks, Giovanni," Hope said. "Yeah," he said nervously. "Uh, this is my mom," Hope said. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Mikaelson," He held out his hand for me to shake and I did. I smiled at the name. "So, Hope. You haven't been around much lately. Oh, yeah, there's been stuff back at home," she said.

"Oh. Well, I was hoping you'd be back, amor. You're from New Orleans, no? I've always wanted to go. It's home to some of the greatest artists and musicians of all time," Giovanni said while some jocks threw papers at him. His thick accent was coming through. "You should go," Hope said, seeing his eyes flash another color. Werewolf, cool.

"No matter where you are, there's always someone playing a Louis Armstrong song somewhere," Hope said. I caught the next piece of trash they threw at him. "Actually, there's music in the square tonight. They do it from time to time but tonight there's blues playing. I would love for you to join me, Hope," Giovanni said smoothly. Hope's face dropped. "Oh, Gio, I-I can't tonight. It's a full moon," Hope said. Giovanni's head tilted in confusion but he then figured it out.

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