39: Postivo

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postivo; postive (masculine)


"We were heading out. And now we're throwing a party, I see," Hayley said walking into the compound with people walking around her with decorations for Mardi Gra. "One that will be attended by New Orleans' most influential creatures," Klaus said. "You do realize that everyone hates you," Hayley said and I chuckled. "But they love Marcel, and as the invite states, he is the co-host. Tonight, we celebrate our truce," Klaus said.

"So, you're throwing a fake party in honor of a fake truce, and your guest of honor is in a dungeon," Hayley said and I laughed. It didn't make sense when he explained it to me either. Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters. Besides, I'll have my hands full weeding out those in league with the Hollow.''

"Have fun with that. Cam, I'm looking for Freya. Have you seen her," Haykey asked me and I shrugged. "What do you need," I asked. "Just a favor."

"Wow. That's hella vague."

"Yup," Hayley said and she walked away.


"My dear friends. Tonight, we celebrate an alliance between our family and Marcel Gerard. Unfortunately, as is his custom, Marcel is unfashionably late. So until such a time as he graces us with his presence, let us all raise a glass and salute the glorious city of New Orleans," Elijah announced.

"But, before we do, my brother and I wish to acknowledge a painful truth. Our relationship with this city, and indeed with most of you has been long and complicated. We hope you will be put at ease knowing we intend a brief and peaceful stay. Let this evening be a respite from past grievances and an opportunity to forge new friendships. Cheers," Klaus announced. "Cheers," I said with the crowd as I stood beside Klaus.

I didn't drink the champagne as I normally would. A week had passed and I still had not gotten my period which only added on to what I thought. I just have to take a test to finalize it. But, right now, I'd rather be in denial.

I gave one of the waiters my full glass of champagne. I went on greeting people and making new friends. A lot of the people here felt sympathy for me. Though they wouldn't show it I could tell from their choice of words. They felt sorry for me since I was looped into the Mikaelson life.

I felt bored without drinking anything. Maybe I should take a break from alcohol. I've gotten too used to it but without it I almost fall apart.

I saw Vincent roaming the party looking for something or someone. Must be a part of Klaus's plan. I turned around and saw Klaus dancing with that chick Marcel sleeps around with. His right hand woman, or whatever.

I listened to their conversation when Klaus locked eyes with me. She was threatening him with rose thorns. Thorns that arose from the blood of Marcel. She's working with the Hollow. He was making her a deal and she had just agreed to. All she wanted was Marcel back. Soon, Klaus made his way to me.

He immediately pulled me into a dance. "One woman to the next. Back to your old ways again," I whispered into his ear. He held one of my hands while his other one snaked around my waist. My other hand went to his shoulder.

He chuckled darkly. He sounded upset. His grip on my waist tightened and he pulled me closer. "Is there a reason you haven't touched a single drop of champagne tonight? You seem unhappy," Klaus asked me. "No special reason at all. Just taking a break from all the adult drinks right--"

"You're lying. I'm going to retrieve the rest of the weapons laced with Marcel's blood that can kill me. We will continue this conversation later. Words of advice, I'd rather you'd tell me before I find out," he spinned me around and left me in the middle of the floor dumbstruck.

An uneasy feeling arose in me. I knew what it was immediately. I rushed to the restroom and vomited into the toilet. I leaned forward as far as I could so that I wouldn't get anything on my dress. I'd take long pauses before throwing up little by little until the nauseous feeling went away. In a moment of weakness I felt tears come to my eyes. I looked up and wiped my face. In the blur of tears and irritation I saw a box on the table.

A pregnancy test(s).

"What would I do without you Hayley," I thought aloud as I picked up the box. I flushed the toilet of the vile substance and cleaned the toilet seat off. I peeled my dress off and took the test. Peed on a stick.

I knew it would take some time for the results so I brushed my teeth. Midway, I looked down at the test still nothing. Rinsed my mouth out and decided to take a bath. A bubble bath. Besides, I was in no mood for a party anyway.

Once the tub was ready I got in. As I got into the tub the hot water on my body felt so good. It was tempurpedic. Next thing I know, I fell asleep in the tub.


I sniffed around half asleep still in the tub. My sense of smell was the first to awake. Scotch, soap, hint of bleach... and Klaus. My eyes snapped open to see him leaning on the counter with a glass of scotch in his hand. He didn't look at me as he drowned the whole thing.

"Why," he asked bitterly, never meeting my eyes. "What--"

"Honestly, I should have known. Nervousness, your hungrier, you've haven't touched a drop of alcohol, given up your incessant need to wear tight clothes on occasion though you always look ravishing while doing so... Why couldn't you have told me? Did I do something wrong," he asked and his voice broke.

"No. I-it's just that you were possessed by the Hollow. Hope was still sick. Then there's the Marcel thing... It's just a lot going on. I didn't think it was the right time... What does it say?"

He didn't answer. "Kl--"

He threw it at me and I caught it. Once I saw the answer I stood in the tub. As if on Instinct Klaus's eyes flew to my dripping wet body. "Eyes up here.

"This is no time to be funny."

"This is no time to be horny either but your bulge is clear from here."

Klaus scoffed and took my towel after I attempted to get it. "Fine by me. I'm not the one who's thinking of poking me with an overgrown cucumber," I said as I walked past him into the room. I turned around and saw him smiling and looking down. He was sniffling in a laugh.

"I'm funny," I said. "Funny looking," he said. "Soooo funny looking you're thinking of fucking me--"

"Careful, princess," he warned. I smiled and set the test on the desk. He fucked me on this desk before.


"I'm going to take another one. Get out," I said pointing to the door. He smirked, catching another glance at my body before leaving. "Just to be clear on the matter... You are to stay and watch the kids until further notice," he called out. I groaned. 

When that test came out positive too I put a protection spell on the baby.


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