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Chapter Warning: Sexual content and swearing.

--- Sebastian's Point of View ---

As I left the house I stumbled a little bit and it took a little bit to get control of myself again.

One of the outside valet's was driving me to my car, it was parked in a very discreet location away from the place - so no one would know that I had visited The Orchid House.

When I got into my car I leaned my head on the steering wheel taking many deep breaths, I was turned on and trembling.

I could still smell her on me, her perfume was so alluring, and her touch was so soft, I was so disappointed that she didn't touch me more.

It took my months to get up the courage to contact The Madame and request being turned over to a Mistress, sex had been dull and unfulfilling for me for years – it was hard being a celebrity and a submissive – everyone expects you to be dominant and in control – it was so far from the truth.

Miss did not seem all that impressed who I was, that was both degrading and sexually arousing, I was so scared she wouldn't accept me.

I didn't even know her name - yet she knew exactly how to push my buttons and could see and understand why I wanted to be dominated.

I knew I would be back here when she told me to, on my knees, begging to be her submissive, willing to do anything that she asks.

I was so lost in thought that it startled me when my cell phone rang, with a sigh I picked it up, taking a few deep breaths to steady myself, I wasn't expecting my girlfriend to be calling – she could be clingy like that.

I had covered my ass so she had no clue and will never know where I go, I knew I could never ask her to dominate me – she was already so vanilla in bed.

"Hey babe...sorry I was are you doing tonight...yeah...I missed you to?"

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

"What the hell were you thinking pulling that shit?"

I was pacing around The Madams office; I know that normally – anyone else would be happy about having their celebrity crush at their sexual disposal.

She giggled as leaned against her desk and offered me some water, I took it and opened the bottle, taking a deep chug.

"I was upset that you left, I wanted you back but always wanted to get some petty revenge."

"Mission accomplished."

"So are you going to let him be your pet, he is quite well built, handsome?"

I sighed and leaned against the wall thinking things over, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I made an offer; I gave him a few days to make sure this is what he wants."

"Have you thought about a contract and what you would want to do with him?"

"Honestly no, however I am a little bit worried, he has a girlfriend you know."

"Plenty of your submissive had girlfriends – he shouldn't be an different." The Madam deadpanned.

I shook my head, realizing that she was right, I was confused as to why him having one bothered me so much.

"I'm starving, I'll draw up a contract and bring it over for you to look over before he agrees to it."

I turned and was about to leave the Madam cleared her thought.

"You should ask him to grow his hair out, you said you liked it better when it was long in Infinity War..."

I didn't even turn and respond to that – but, could I ask that? If it didn't disrupt any film he was working on...  

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now