Blue Miss

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chris's Point of View ---

I ran to the RV and I do mean ran, I realized that I was getting winded, I needed to start running in the morning to help me get back into shape.

When I got what I needed I ran back to her house, I didn't want to leave her alone at all, I didn't have some ulterior motive like I have had in the past, honestly I was just terrified, she seemed so hurt I feared for her and the baby.

I took a little bit to shut down my RV, I was going to be staying with her until further notice so I didn't need my RV.

When I got back I quickly entered and I walked into the bedroom, she was laying down on her side eyes open and looking blankly at the side wall, I walked closer and saw she had eaten the whole bowl.

She must have quickly changed because she was now wearing slippers, pajama pants and a white tank top, she looked comfortable that was a good thing.

'Thank god.' I mused internally I was happy that she was now eating.


I sat down next to her and put my hand on her shoulder rubbing it.

"I didn't mean to fall for him you know."

My eyebrows furrowed.


"Sebastian, I didn't mean to fall deeply for him, as a Dominant I knew better."

"Dominant's can fall in love with submissives, there is nothing wrong or strange about that." I counted, I didn't add that I fell in love with her, this wasn't the time or place.

"Still, I feel foolish."

With a deep sigh I picked her up, she didn't fight me and wrapped her arms around my neck, I walked us into the front room and sat us both down on the couch.

I saw that there were DVD and an old DVD player.

"What do you want to watch." I looked over my shoulder at her, she was curled up and she gave me a very meek and shy smile.


I looked though them, I pulled out Jurassic Park and showed her, she again smiled at me, and I felt my heart soar, her smile made me calm and happy.

"I like a classic..."

I put it into the player and started it up.

"Don't start it yet." She said, I looked at her as she stood up.

"I'll get some popcorn and water..."

I nodded and she walked into the kitchen pulling out a big bowl and a bag of popcorn and two waters, I noticed that she seemed much happier now.

I smiled, I knew that doing something simple can help with emotions, most everyone likes watching movie's.

I sat down on the couch and watched her pop popcorn, she turned slightly and I felt my heart rate pick up, you could see the tiny bump with her tight tank top. I wasn't sure why that turned me on so much.

'Sebastian is a dumbass for leaving this jewel of a women.' I mentally muttered to myself. When she walked over I took the bowl and waters as she settled into my arms and I started the movie.

"Thank you for being here."

"I will always be here Kennedy, you can count on that."

--- Sebastian's Point of View ---

I was in darkness, but I could feel someone cupping my cheek, than hands were small and soft, I loved the feel of them.

A second hand ran though my hair, even thought I was in darkness I felt safe, and my heart was racing so hard that I thought that it would burst out of my chest.

"Pet...what color are those eyes under this blindfold?"

My voice was dead calm, but I was so excited on the inside, I knew this voice.

"Blue Miss..."

I woke up startled for a moment I didn't realize where I was, I remember instantly that I was in a airplane and going back to New York, I took a deep breath to try and steady my beating heart, looking around, everyone seemed to be distracted, my head hurt.

"We will be landing shortly..."

I got ready for landing, rubbing my temples because it hurt so bad, what the hell was that?

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now