Chicken Soup

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

I watched as Chris easily picked up Sebastian, Sebastian had lost weight since filming as Bucky Barns, so it seemed to be an easy feat for Chris.

He turned and looked at me.

"Take him to my house...please."

He nodded and we both started walking in that direction, I kept looking over at Chris, he seemed to have a serious and worried look in his face, I looked at Sebastian, he looked exhausted.

I ran to the door and opened it for Chris, I watched as he delicately walked into the house, moving sideways and being careful, Chris took him to the back bedroom.

After he laid Sebastian on the bed I pulled him into the front room, and put my hands on his arms.

"You need to leave us alone for a while."

He looked hurt, and he shook his head and looked down, when he looked back up he was starting to cry, I reached up and wiped his tears.

"Please Chris."

He nodded.

"I'm going to go and refuel and get some supplies in Salt Lake City, I'll stay out of your way for a few days, if you need anything I am one phone call" He stammered and I watched as he ran a frustrated hand though is hair.

"You know how much I feel about you, and how much I love you."

"I know..." I walked up and wrapped my arms around is neck, he hugged me, then pushed me back, leading his head down he took both my hands in his and kissed the top of my hand, holding it there for a moment before quicky turning and all but running out of the house.

I walked to the back bedroom and walked up to Sebastian I saw that he was a bit sweaty, I looked at his injuries, they looked fine but I figured he was simply exhausted, I used a wet towel to wipe off the sweat on his forehead.

When I saw his body settle I got up and went into the front room, I decided to make some simple chicken noodle soup for us.

I was just stirring it when I looked up, I saw Sebastian standing there, there were dark circles under his eyes.


"Hi Bastian, do you remember me?"

He shook his head.

"But I know of you, and I can guess what our relationship was..."

I started to take out bowls and spoons.

"When was the last time that you ate?"

"I can't remember."

"Sit down at the table then, I made some soup and we will drink water, I don't think beer would be the best for you at the moment."

I watched as he did what he was told, I divided up the soup for us and walked over to him, shyly I set the soup down, his blue eyes were clear as he looked up at me.

"These smells wonderful."

"Good, now eat." I demanded.

"Yes mistress." I smiled at how quickly he fell back into the submissive role, he took a few bites.

"You are a good cook."

"As you have told me before, thank you..."

We ate for a while, and he seemed to be enjoying his soup, I gave him quite a lot because he seemed to be not eating, there was a while of silence between us.

"Are you in a relationship with Chris..."

I dropped my spoon, I picked it up and looked at him, that was one fucking loaded question. I knew that I couldn't lie to him, not anymore.

"Yes... our relationship was secret from you until recently...him and I didn't mean to come together, but it is complicated and before you accident I was trying to figure out my feelings..."

"Would he...I mean I...I mean, would I have been upset by this fact?"

"You might have been, because before your accident – we..." I paused and he looked at me somewhat anxiously.

"We what?"

"We, we were starting to try for a child."

He looked at me shocked.

"Did I agree to that?"

"Yes, you agreed to let me breed you..."

He had finished his soup, but he still looked exhausted.

"Are you still feeling sick?"

"Yes, and this is a lot to mentally process, I don't know how to feel about all of this."

"Should I call the hospital?"

"No...i just need to lie down."

"I'll clean up and take the couch."

"No...please come lay beside me, I don't want to be alone, and I...I feel safe with you."

His words hit a very deep and primal part of my protective nature. I saw how tired and exhausted he was, I ran a hand though my hair, knowing that he needed to take it more than easy.

"Alright... I'll be right there; we can deal with the rest of everything in the morning." 

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