Beg Me

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Chapter Warning: BDSM and Sexual Content, and Possible Trigger Warning.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

Slowly he opened his eyes and I gasped at seeing how beautiful and blue his eyes were. Sure, I had seen them on TV but in person – damn they were stunning.

I saw that it took him a moment to focus as he blinked a few times and then looked up at me, after a moment he smiled.

"Hi Miss, it's nice to see you."

"Hi Bastian, my Pet, likewise."

He smiled at me for a long moment, then he looked down and kept his eyes down.

He must have been reading up on what being a submissive means, not making eye contract was a good way of showing a dominant that you are submissive.

"Are you alight with what you see Pet?"

"You're gorgeous Miss, do you like what you see with me?"

There was a genuine shyness to his voice, a tremor behind it showing me that he really was very insecure.

I was shocked at the insecurity that he was showing, was this man being serious, he was Sebastian Stan, why was he shy and unsure of things, let alone how attractive he is?

Leaning forward I kissed him on the lips – he kissed back, eye open and eager, I smiled into the kiss, then pulled back and kissed his cheek.

I ran my hand though his short hair, it was soft and smelled nice.

"Hmm...I like what I see Bastian, longer hair would be appreciated as I like something to grab."

"I can grow it out if you like Miss."

"I would like that very much."

"I was worried that you wouldn't like me, I have kind of laid off working out sense filming The Falcon and The Winter Soldier."

I realized what his insecurity was about in that moment.

I slowly leaned back and looked down at him, he looked away as my eyes scanned his naked torso, he looked like a normal man to me – physically fit but not overly muscular, he was handsome, honestly until he pointed it out I didn't even notice.

"You look delicious to me."

I ran my hand down the side of his cheek and ran my thumb across his lips, his tongue pressed against the pad of my thumb as his mouth opened.

"Say 'Mistress' Pet."

His eyes widened as I pulled my hand away, resting it on his upper arm.


I smiled at him, a wide and happy smile.

"I like the sound of that coming from your lips."

I got up off of him and went over to a dresser that was on the side of the room, pulling out a silk robe putting it on.

"So you have never had a BDSM contract have you?"

"No Mistress..."

"I will write it up this week, also are you apposed to wearing a collar here when you are with me?"

"No mistress...are you leaving me?"

I looked back at him noticing that he was looking a bit lost, smiling I walked over to him and sat at the edge of the bed.

"For now yes, I have to make sure that we have a contract before we continue this."

I reached out and cupped his face gently, my heart thudded something deep when he turned his cheek into my hand, I rubbed his cheekbone with the pad of my thumb.

I reached under the covers and felt his cock that was soft before and was now hardening, gently I stroked his cock.

"Mistress..." He moaned, I knew what he wanted, but I wanted to see what he sounded like when he was needy.

"If you want it you are going to have to beg me for it Pet..." He let out a whimper and a moan.

"Please Mistress, please I need you...please." He sounded like he was damn near tears.

I played with the idea of leaving him like this, but I thought better of it, pulling back the sheets I pushed him back down on the bed.

I marveled at this gorgeous male specimen laying back on the bed, blue eyes looking at me wide as I straddled him again.    

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now