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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---- Kennedy's Point of View ---

I woke up to the sunlight in the house, I had kept Sebastian and I in bed the whole rest of the time, we laughed and talked, made love and I dominated him and he easily submitted.

He was vulnerable, and I allowed myself to be vulnerable as well, and I explored every inch if his body, shocked that he was insecure about a few things, but I soothed his worry and kissed almost every inch of his skin.

I was currently holding him as he laid his head on my breast – as the sunlight warmed us, his phone rang and it startled us both.

"Sorry Mistress, I should get his."

I nodded at him with a smile.

He moved and picked it up, I didn't pry but I watched as he flipped though some thing and saw his eyes narrow, he set the phone aside and turned to face me.

"My ex is in Salt Lake City – she flew in last night apparently, she said that after how long we have been together she needs more of an explanation then 'my feelings have changed' and that she wants to meet in person for dinner, to talk and have some closure..."

I sat up, covering my nakedness with a sheet and looked around, I felt myself start to shiver but forced it to stop – it was kind of cold in the house – I had forgotten to turn on the heat.

"Are you asking if you can go and meet her?"

He hesitated, then seemed to find some courage.

"Yes Mistress."

"Do you, do you still have feelings for her?"

He let out a gasp and sat up, putting his arms around me.

"No, not at all, but I think owe her at least a dinner with an explanation and closure..."

I let out a sigh and rubbed the back of my neck, I didn't like it, and I knew that if I ask him he wouldn't go, but the look in his eyes, I knew that I couldn't deny him this.

"Get up..."

He did and I got up as well, putting on a plaid robe that would keep me warm on this cold morning - I walked forward kissed him on the lips then neck where it was still red from when Chris pulled on his collar.

"Take my car..." I walked over to the table and wrote down the address of where we were and then handed it to him.

"So you can use your JPS to get back to me...get dressed."

I turned from him and walked into the main room and listened as he got dressed, I went to the refrigerator and got out eggs, bacon and toast, I started preparing him a simple breakfast sandwich.

He came into the room when I finished it, wrapping it in wax paper I handed it to him along with the car keys.


"Mistress...I don't have to go right away..."

"Go before I demand that you stay...please, this is hard for me."

He let out a whimper and kissed my forehead, then he went over to where I left his collar and picked it up, his back was still turned to me.

"I'll wear this, and only take it off when I am with her, I am yours Mistress, I'll come back soon..."

"Good boy, enjoy your breakfast Bastian, drive safe."

"Thank you Kennedy..."

I turned my back to him and he left the house – I loved the way he says my name, I had to force myself to let him go, it was hard because it goes against everything I am as a dominant.

There was also the fear that despite what he says, he still has feeling for her.

I went to the kitchen window and watched as he drove off, I was really anxious about this and I didn't like it I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself, after a moment waling over I opened up the back slider door and walked to the kitchen to make myself and another breakfast.

I knew the chances of him making a move were very high, and the open door was an invite – I wasn't worried when I heard him walk in less than ten minutes after Sebastian had left, I felt my body tense up, as his footsteps slowly came up behind me.

I felt his powerful arm wrap around my waist and pull me against him.

"Are you alright...god I didn't mean to hurt you..." Chris apologized, my body felt electric as he put his hand on the front of my head and pulled it back, leaning down and kissing the side of my neck.

"You are the one who contacted his ex girlfriend aren't you? You did this?" I accused feeling like crying in frustration, not sadness.

"Yes...I needed you alone. Put that food in the fridge to eat's cold in this house, let's get in bed until it warms up."

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now