Chapter 27: Yuna

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This chapter was longer than I anticipated, but I guess I was having too much fun... I'm hoping I'm not going too much with the TV Show to bore you all. I'm really trying to add Amara in and change a few things up. Also, there will be more Amara and Zuko soon, promise! Anyway... Enjoy!

Chapter 27: Yuna

(Amara POV)

The morning we left the citizens of Omashu, I was secretly relieved. Even after another night had passed of me being amongst them, I was still earning some wary glances from the men and women of the group. When my family informed me we were headed out to start our search for Aang's earthbending teacher, I was quick to clamber on Appa's saddle.

We spent a few days flying and stopping at different villages. Aang and my cousins would ask around for earthbending teachers, while I followed, just taking in everything and trying to keep my head down. I didn't want to draw too much attention and make enemies like I had with Captain Yung and his people.

When the search was a failure, we'd camp at night outside of the village or town and Katara would teach me some more waterbending and healing moves. I was definitely improving a lot in my waterbending, and this made me so grateful to have Katara as my teacher.

Of course, I missed my firebending teachers more and more as the days passed...

On evenings Katara was occupied with other things, I'd practice firebending. I usually did this away from camp in a hidden area: I didn't want Earth Kingdom citizens to see me, and I also knew the element still made my family a little uncomfortable. Aang would be my company during these training sessions, trying to distract himself from the disappointment he felt over not finding an earthbending teacher. He enjoyed watching me as I practiced forms Iroh and Zuko had taught me.

Every technique I tried to improve made me think of the two men I cared for greatly. While I knew I needed to focus on helping my family, I couldn't help but worry for Iroh and Zuko. I hadn't seen them in weeks, and with every passing hour I could feel a piece of my heart was still missing.

Iroh was a father to me...

Zuko was the young man I had come to love more than a friend...

I missed them and wanted to see them again. However, I knew I couldn't tell my family that. I didn't want to upset my cousins by making them think that I didn't want to be with them. I knew they would never understand my feelings towards the Fire Lord's son and brother, and I would never ask them to.

But no matter what, I loved and cared for Zuko and Iroh greatly... that would never change.

When Aang watched me firebend, he would sometimes try to practice my movements too. He was preparing himself for firebending after he finally got the chance to learn earthbending. He was also excited to see me practice combining my elements. His eyes would follow my movements with intrigue as I practiced hovering my water and making it boil in air. Aang wanted so much to be able to combine fire and water as well.

"Maybe once I master earthbending you can be my firebending teacher," he said to me one night as I was rolling out my sleeping bag. "And then I can see if I can do that cool trick too."

His suggestion was kind, but I was honest. "I can't be your teacher, Aang... I have so much I don't know... I'll only be able to show you the basics when the time does come. You'd never master the element."

Aang sighed. "Thing is, you will probably be the only firebending teacher I can find. The one man I met a while ago named Jeong-Jeong went missing when your broth—" I flinched. "I mean Zhao— when he came and attacked us during our journey north through the Earth Kingdom."

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