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This story contains explicit language and mature content that may not be suitable for all readers. Reader discretion is advised. The content within may include scenes of a suggestive or explicit nature, as well as adult themes. This story is intended for mature audiences only. By continuing to read, you acknowledge and accept the mature nature of the content presented.**
Please note that this story will contain explicit content, including sexual content, strong language, discussions of narcotics, corruption, and violence. It's important to remember that this is a work of fiction and not based on real events. If these themes are not your preference, kindly refrain from reading or engaging with the content. Respect for personal preferences is appreciated. If you do choose to read, I hope you find enjoyment in the story.

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In the dimly lit apartment, the ringing of the phone pierced through the quiet night, disrupting the peace that had settled within the walls. Sienna's mind raced as her roommate Alyssa's voice echoed from the living room, calling her name and alerting her to the call. Her curiosity piqued, she hurried to the living room, already conjuring up a list of possible callers.

"Who is it?" she asked, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"It's your mom," Alyssa replied, handing over the phone with a puzzled expression.

Sienna's fingers reached out to take it,she trembled slightly as she accepted the device, placing it against her ear. .. A strange feeling in her gut. "She never calls me this late, especially on a Friday night." Hey, Mom. Is everything okay?"

A rush of panic and distress resonated through her mother's voice on the other end of the line. "Sienna, you need to get to the hospital now. It's your broth—" Before her mother could finish her sentence, the call abruptly ended, leaving Sienna's heart pounding and her thoughts racing.

Alyssa's looks at her with concern her voice trembled with worry. "Sienna, what's happening? Are you okay?"

Sienna's voice wavered as she tried to make sense of the situation. "I don't know. "My Mom, She sounded panicked.

Hastily, Sienna darted into her room, throwing on a hoodie and leggings, slipping into a pair of trainers. The urgency in her movements was palpable as she prepared to face whatever emergency had befallen her family.

She rushed out of her apartment building and immediately hailed a cab. "I need to get to the hospital."

As the cab sped toward the hospital, her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and fears. She anxiously tapped her fingers against her leg, praying for some kind of explanation or reassurance.

Finally, the cab screeched to a halt in front of the hospital entrance. She paid the fare in haste and bounded out of the vehicle, her heart pounding in her chest. Rushing up to the front desk, she managed to catch her breath just enough to ask, "I'm looking for a Jason Taylor. He was brought in here tonight. Can you tell me what room he's in, please?"

The clerk's sympathetic eyes met hers. "He's in the operating room. You can head to the waiting room on the third floor."

Without wasting a moment, Sienna practically ran to the elevator, her pulse racing with each passing second. The ride up to the third floor felt agonizingly slow, her anxiety intensifying as she waited.

As the elevator doors finally slid open, she bolted down the corridor toward the waiting room. The sound of her mother's anguished cries reached her ears before she even entered the room. Her heart dropped, and time seemed to stretch as she took in the scene before her—her mother's tear-stained face, her father's grief-stricken expression.

"Mom, Dad, what happened?" Her voice trembled as she approached them, her heart already sinking from their expressions.

Her mother's sobs grew louder as she clung to her father. "Noooooo, my baby..."

Her father's eyes, red and weary, met Sienna's. The tears that rolled down his cheeks spoke the truth even before his trembling voice could confirm it. "I'm so sorry, Sienna."

"No, no, it can't be," She choked out, her voice breaking. She rushed past her parents and into the room where her brother's lifeless form lay, shrouded in white sheets.

Collapsing to her knees beside the bed, her hands trembling as she reached out to touch his still form, he still felt warm. "Jason, no, this can't be real. Wake up, please."

Strong arms enveloped her, pulling her away from the scene. Sienna's gaze met Luca's, Jason's best friend, his shirt stained with blood from a battle that had been lost. Her tears mingled with his as he held her close, his voice filled with sorrow and regret.

"I'm so sorry, Sienna," he whispered, his voice heavy with grief.

Her cries echoed through the hallway, her heart shattered by the truth she could no longer deny. Her brother was gone, and no amount of pain could change that fact.

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