Interview With Queen_Elixir

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1. Wattpad Username(s):


2. Age:


3. Gender:


4. What are the names of all the books you write or have posted on Wattpad?

Currently I only have one, Until You Break. I used to also publish another story called Giving Yourself Away but did away with it since I didn’t like it.

5. Which of these books are/was your favorite story to write and why?

Out of the two, I love writing Until You Break because it is everything I love combined into one story. The idea behind it was so simple when I wrote the first few chapters and then I started to develop more and more plot twists in my head and I’m just so pleased as to what has become of it, where it is heading, and all the positive feedback I’ve been given so far.

6. Do any of the scenes in your books come from real life experiences, and if so do you want to elaborate which scenes and in what books?

In Until You Break, there is a witchcraft store where the main character works. It’s based on this store in New York City that my friends and I went to and I fell in love with. Anytime I write about when she is heading there, inside the store, or leaving, it’s usually from my personal experience.

7. When you're writing, do you have a schedule or maybe you have something that you do when you're writing such as listening to music?

Usually when I write, it’s always after I take a shower. Whenever I’m in the shower, my imagination just runs wild and all these ideas and conversations appear in my mind and I make little mental notes about them and when I open my laptop to write later on, all of them come flooding back to me.

8. What inspired you to want to start writing and posting your stories for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to read?

When I was a lot younger, around 8-years-old I’ll say, I entered a scary story writing contest and I won. Since then, I’ve always been just jotting down ideas for short stories and it became a hobby of mine. So when I came up with an idea for a chaptered story, I originally posted it on fictionpress, but I wanted to expose it to an even larger audience so I went to wattpad. I’ve always been pretty open about what I write, so I wanted to see how other people responded. I mean, the worst that could happen was that people wouldn’t like it and I could improve based on that rejection.

9. Who is your number one inspiration when it comes to writing?

Definitely Cassandra Clare, her Mortal Instruments Series is my absolute favorite!

10. When did you first start writing?

I really got into this at around the age of 13.

11. Why did you start posting stories on Wattpad?

I started posting on a different account in late 2010, but received hardly any feedback, took a break, and came back in late 2012.

12. What do you love most about writing?

I love that it just comes so easily. It’s just me, my imagination, and a computer and I can make anything I want happen with just a few words. It’s really like seeing how the things I picture in my head can transfer to words.

13. If you could change one thing in any of your books, what would it be?

I would actually change the beginning of Until You Break, because the beginning makes it seem like it’s going to be a sappy werewolf romance story and I lose a lot of people on that. But if I could change it, I’d show them it’s not and that if they continued to read on, it becomes so much more than what the first three chapters makes it out to be.

14. When you start writing a new book, does it already have a plot or are you as clueless as to what will happen as your fans are?

When I start writing, I always have an idea of what the plot will be. But as I continue to write the story, the plot thickens in my mind and it definitely becomes more complex than my original idea.

15. When starting a new story, what comes into your mind first, the Title, the basic idea of the book, or the characters?

The first thing is always the plot, then the characters start to appear, it’s not until after I’ve written the first two or three chapters when I know what I’m going to title it.

16. If you could tell your fans one thing, besides Thank You, what would it be?

I’m just really grateful that you gave my story a chance. I’m so happy that you ended up enjoying it and most of all decided to stick with it. I never expected to have such positive feedback and just your choice to fan me to keep up with my story means the world to me.

17. What would you like to tell all of the Hope-To-Be Authors that are currently on Wattpad?

Write what you want because you want to not because you want people to fan you and you want to be on all the top lists. If you like what you write and get positive feedback that should be enough. And if you are worried about if your grammar is terrible or if your plot is too cliché, don’t! People are always there to give constructive criticism and help you improve.

18. Do you use any other sites to post your stories?

I do, as I mentioned before, I My username there is TakeOnTheWorld. If you search Until You Break on the website, you should find me easily.

19. Would you like to share you Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter with fans and readers?

I’m constantly changing my tumblr URL and my twitter username, but if you visit my profile on wattpad, I posts links to them in my bio!

20. Would you like to mention anything else that I've forgotten?

You seemed to cover everything! I had really enjoyed answering all these questions! Thanks for the interview!

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