Interview With WritterAli

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1. Wattpad Username(s):

WritterAli, IamLizzie, EvaAnniFireForever (Joint Account),

2. Age:


3. Gender:


4. What are the names of all the books you write or have posted on Wattpad?

A Star Away (Young Justice), A Wolf’s Secret (Zayn Malik/Werewolf). I did have a third one but I either got hacked and the person deleted it or I deleted it for some weird reason... -.-

5. Which of these books are/was your favorite story to write and why?

My favorite to write right now is A Wolf’s Secret (Zayn Malik/Werewolf) because it’s so fun to put the guys and gals in different places that they wouldn’t go in real life.

6. Do any of the scenes in your books come from real life experiences, and if so do you want to elaborate which scenes and in what books?

 They don’t really come from my life but my little dream world.

7. When you're writing, do you have a schedule or maybe you have something that you do when you're writing such as listening to music?

I try to have a schedule on my updating but my School events and other stuff always messes it up so I just update whenever. I do love listening to my music when I write.

8. What inspired you to want to start writing and posting your stories for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to read?

I tried different sites before but they kept getting me mad and then my friend recommended this site to me and I’ve been using it ever since.

9. Who is your number one inspiration when it comes to writing?

My Music, I have to be listening to my music while I write or it’s terrible and a very slow writing session

10. When did you first start writing?

It back in 6th grade when my teacher made me write in this journal so I just started to write a Star Wars FanFic in it

11. Why did you start posting stories on Wattpad?

I wanted to have some kind of feedback on my stories from people who weren’t my friends.

12. What do you love most about writing?

Hmm..It has to be when I see people enjoying my hard work.

13. If you could change one thing in any of your books, what would it be?

How I introduced the dad of Lizzie’s in A Wolf’s Secret. I would have changed the events that happen and lead up to it because now that I look back on it I think it’s very dumb.

14. When you start writing a new book, does it already have a plot or are you as clueless as to what will happen as your fans are?

At first I have no clue what will happen but as I make more and more chapters I see what I want to happen and then I have a plan.

15. When starting a new story, what comes into your mind first, the Title, the basic idea of the book, or the characters?

The title then the basic idea of the book both comes at once.

16. If you could tell your fans one thing, besides Thank You, what would it be?

To keep up all your amazing support to me and the other Authors!

17. What would you like to tell all of the Hope-To-Be Authors that are currently on Wattpad?

Keep working on your stories and don’t give up, I gave up so many times. Just keep going!

18. Do you use any other sites to post your stories?

I use to post an edited version of A Star Away (Young Justice)

19. Would you like to share you Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter with fans and readers?

My Twitter is GamerGurl54 so go follow me

20. Would you like to mention anything else that I’ve forgotten?

Go fan this gal because she is so epic and Kik me as AnniShadownnight, My name is the same as Wattpad; WritterAli 

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