Panimulang salita

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The story contains religious veiws in a POV of a rebellious daughter. This story tackles about Christianity and Bible. Expect that there would be dialogue/scenes that may contradict your belief.

Also, don't think that it's because the characters are man of God, they would appear perfect. I write the characters with flaws and some taste of reality especially the bible verses that will be mentioned in the following chapters. It is directly from the BIBLE, no revision, no alteration.

If your type of story doesn't suit the things mentioned above, better be aware. While reading, you may find it annoying and as a writer, I am just a beginner in this genre and does not have the intention to disrespect anyone's understanding regarding Christianity or any religion.

I write because I want to spread the word of God using my hobby. I never intend to ruin or trigger your mind.

Read responsibly.

The story contains typographical and grammatical errors like (you're, your, it's, its, etc) I'll edit it soon after finishing the whole series.

And lastly, enjoy reading.
I love you. Mwuah!


Ephesians 4:5
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

Exodus 14:14
The Lord shall fight for you, and He shall hold your peace.


All bible verses credits to King James Bible

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