forty five.

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A/n- I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to write a new chapter. I've had writer's block and I've been super unmotivated. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)

I stood in the bathroom mirror brushing my teeth as I listened to the news playing on the television. Daniel laid on the bed with his hands over his head. "Are you almost done?" Daniel asked. "I can't wait anymore." I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth. "Now I am" I said. I quickly brushed through my hair with my fingers making sure to get all of the tiny knots out. I scanned my face in the mirror by the door. "Do I look okay?" I asked. Daniel kissed my forehead. "You look absolutely perfect. Now, let's go" he said. "You're always so sweet to me, babe. But seriously, do I look okay?" He carefully went over my face. "Yeah, no. You look horrible. I think you should change and put makeup on." I playfully pushed his chest. "I'm kidding. You look amazing. I wish you weren't so self conscious. You're so beautiful, y/n." He rubbed his thumb over my cheek. "Don't worry so much about you looks, okay?" I nodded.

I held Daniel's hand on the way out to the car. He let go of my hand, opening the passenger side door. "Thank you," I said sitting down. "Of course, malady" he said kissing my hand. I laughed. Daniel started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. He looked at me. "Christmas is coming up. What do you want?" he asked. Well, I want Daniel Larusso to kiss me under the mistletoe" I smiled. "I think I can make that happen." He kissed me. "But seriously, what do you want?" "I don't want anything, seriously." "I'm getting you something anyways," he said. "Fine, then I'm getting you something." He adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. "Fine." 

Most of the roads were empty, the sun was just rising, and the air felt chilly. It felt amazing. Daniel grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. "How long is this trip exactly?" I asked. "About two hours." I leaned my head against the seat. "Can't you at least tell me what city were going to?" I asked. "Nope, that'd ruin the whole surprise." I sighed. "Fine. I'm taking a nap then." He chuckled. "Fine by me." I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of Daniel's soft humming. 

"Babe," I heard Daniel say. I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah?" I asked. "Are you hungry? I'm starving." I fluttered my eyes, adjusting to the light. "Yeah. Let's go through the McDonald's drive thru. It's quick so we aren't wasting time on the trip there." He smiled. "Just what I was thinking." Daniel pulled into the drive thru and ordered our food. I chuckled as he nervously said our order. "Was that nerve racking?" I asked. "Shut up. I hate ordering," he laughed. "Well thank you," I said. "Of course." 

After we ate, I turned towards Daniel. "What now? I'm bored." He smirked. He turned the radio knob, turning on 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World'. "I know how much you like this song," he smiled. "I tend to listen to it almost everyday," I chuckled. I stared out the window, singing softly to the lyrics. I watched as  more cars appeared. The city was coming alive again. "You think anyone at school will miss us?" I asked. "No way. No one ever notices when we leave. Plus, we have each other now. No more Jane or Zach," Daniel said. "Yeah, you're right. I'm glad we have each other now." He kissed my temple. "Me too."

After almost two house, we pulled into a huge field. It was filled with tall grass, colorful flowers, and a huge willow tree in the middle. "Is this the surprise?" I asked. "Yeah, do you like it?" he asked. "Are you kidding? I love it!" I said hugging him. I got out of the car. Everywhere I looked was so beautiful. I noticed Daniel was getting something out of the trunk. He was holding a picnic basket. "a picnic?" I asked. "Yeah. I brought some books too. I figured you could read something to me or the other way around" he smiled. I smiled back, grabbing the picnic blanket. We walked through the tall grass, carefully making our way to the willow tree. I laid the blanket down right underneath the tree. I made sure the view was perfect. The tree sat on a hill, so you could see the field for miles. "I packed some turkey sandwiches, strawberries, grapes, blackberries, chips, drinks, and desert for later that's also a surprise" Daniel explained. "Daniel, this is so sweet. Thank you," I said grabbing a sandwich. "I'm glad you like it. I've had this planned for awhile and I had heard that coming around winter was the best time to come because most flowers start to spring more than in the spring. This is because it gives them a chance to acclimate to their new homes and start early root growth before the summer heat arrives, or at least that's what I read." I stared at him in awe. I didn't know he did so much research about this place beforehand. 

Once we had finished eating, I laid down on his lap. I had picked out the book 'Gone With the Wind' to read. It's always been one of my favorites, so I knew that Daniel would enjoy it. I began to read at him. Each time I would look up, he'd be staring at me instead of the book. I finally sat up. "What?" I giggled. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked. "No, I'm just astonished at how perfect you are. I feel like I've finally met my soulmate and it feels amazing to be with you." Suddenly, he pulled out a ring. "This is a promise ring. My promise is to always love and care for you no matter what happens." He slipped the ring onto my ring finger, it fit perfectly. "Daniel, I don't even know what to say. I love you so much. The ring is so beautiful, thank you." He kissed me, leaving a smile on my face. "I love you too. I'm so happy we met each other because I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, y/n." 

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