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Time flew by quick. Before we knew it, the tournament was here. It was the night before and I was paranoid something was going to happen. I knew Johnny had tricks up his sleeve, he always did. Johnny always found out someway to get what he wants, no matter the price.

The morning of the tournament I woke up and felt sick to my stomach. I was so nervous for Daniel, even though I wasn't even the one competing. I grabbed a pair of high waisted jeans and a light pink tank top with floral designs on it. I threw my hair up and slipped on my white converse. I heard a knock at the door. "Hey babe, are you ready?" I gently smiled. "Yes." We ran down the stairs to Mr Miyagi's office. He let Daniel drive the truck. "Daniel-san don't forget to breathe. It isn't about trophy or prize, it's about doing your best" Mr Miyagi said. Daniel nodded and jumped out the car. We went into the building. "Daniel-san, go change in locker room." "Okay, okay. I'll see you guys out there." Daniel gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and ran to get changed. We started walking towards the ring when a guard stopped us. "You aren't allowed to be in the ring by him." I quickly thought of an excuse. "This is his sensai and he doesn't know english." Mr Miyagi shook his head. "I'm his interpreter" I gave an awkward smile. He stared at us in silence. "Okay you guys can go." "Thank you" Mr Miyagi said chuckling. Daniel came around the corner dressed in his Gi. He started off amazing. He won every match. "Two points for Larusso!" the referee would call. Once it came to the one of the final matchs against Bobby, I immediately knew something was up. Everything was going good. Daniel was in the lead until Bobby performed an illegal kick to the knee. I turned back to see Daniel on the floor clutching his knee. Daniel was brought to the nurses station. "You have five minutes to try and recover. Once those five minutes are up and you haven't recovered, your disqualified" a referee said. My heart dropped. Daniel worked so hard for this, there was no way he could give up now. I turned to Mr Miyagi. "Isn't there something you can do?" He shook his head. We sat in silence. "I can try something" Mr Miyagi spoke. He began to rub his hands together creating friction. He then pressed his hands on Daniel's knee. Suddenly, Daniel was able to walk again. "Hey, my knee feels better!" he exclaimed. Bobby was disqualified from the match because of his illegal kick. Kreese gave him and unsatisfied look. The last match was between Johnny and Daniel. "Hey princess," Johnny taunted "yiur knee feel better? It's not going to after I win this match." "You're not going to win, Johnny. I've worked too hard for this" Daniel responded.

Points were  on and off. Daniel would gain some and then so would Johnny. Everyone was unsure of who would win.

Once the last match was in, Johnny pounced forward towards Daniel. Daniel stood in a crane kick position. Wham! Johnny was knocked to the ground causing Daniel to win. Everyone jumped up. Daniel ran over to me and hugged me. "Did you see that? I beat Johnny Lawrence!" I laughed. "You were amazing Daniel!" Mr Miyagi smiled. I could see  how proud he was of Daniel.

As we walked outside towards the car, I had noticed Johnny being scolded by Kreese. "You call this winning?" he yelled holding up Johnny's second place trophy. "You'll never be good!" Suddenly, he smashed his trophy through a car window. I jumped just at the sight of it. Mr Miyagi ran towards him. He grabbed his by the collar and performed a karate move on him. He stopped in the middle of it and let him go. "You could've killed him, couldn't have you?" Daniel asked. "Yes, but Miyagi know better" he responded. As we drive home, Daniel wrapped his hand around mine and kissed my cheek. "Thank you for being there today y/n." "I wouldn't have missed it for the world" I smiled.

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