forty two.

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I had barely slept at all last night and I had a full eight hours of school ahead of me. Walking into class was the most devastating part. Me and Daniel made direct eye contact and it took everything inside of me to stop myself from breaking down. "Hey y/n," Ali said placing her stuff down beside me. "Listen, I heard what happened between you and Daniel and I want you to know that I'm here for you. We could even be best friends if you want. I know how hard going through a breakup is, I've been through multiple." I felt comforted. "Thank you Ali, a lot." She leaned in, hugging me. "Hey, how about we go to Golf N' Stuff tonight? It'll be fun. Me, you, and Susan can all go" she said. "Sure."

The final bell had rang and I began to pack up my things. I walked out to the parking lot when I was stopped by Zach. "Hey y/n," he said grabbing my waist. "Zach, please stop." He smirked. "Why? You kissed me last night, why won't you do it again?" I smelled alcohol in his breath. A lot of it. "Please let go. You're making me uncomfortable." He suddenly leaned in to kiss me. "Zach, stop. You've been drinking" I  said. He leaned in even more, about an inch away from my lips. I punched him as hard as I could. He held a tight grip on my waist, not letting me go. "She said let go dammit" Daniel said pulling him off of me. "Thanks," I awkwardly said.  "Yeah." Jane ran over to him and grabbed his hand. He didn't look happy with her, I could see it in his face. Ali pulled up beside me in her car. "Hey y/n, ready to go?" she asked. "Yeah," I said climbing into the car. Susan sat in the back while I sat in the passenger seat. "Were going to go to my house, okay y/n? You guys can get ready there, we can go to Golf N' Stuff, then we can come back here and you guys can stay the night if you want to" she explained. I nodded. 

We pulled into Ali's driveway. Her house was huge, I had no idea she lived in the hills. "Y/n, I have the perfect outfit for you." I followed her into her room and sat on her bed. Her bed was covered in silk. She had silk pillow cases, sheets, even her comforter was silk. "Ali, do you ever get tired of silk?" I asked chuckling. "It's my parents choice. They say it makes your bedroom look more nice and proper" she said rolling her eyes. I watched as Ali brought out a pair of jeans and a pink sweater. "Here, this will look amazing on you" she said handing me the outfit. "You can change in here or the bathroom, which ever you feel more comfortable with. The bathroom is down the hall on the left if you need to use it." I nodded, walking to the bathroom. I changed into the outfit Ali had given me. "Oh my god, y/n!" Ali said. "What? Is something wrong?" I asked. "No, you look amazing!" Susan said. 

Ali had driven me and Susan to Golf N' Stuff. We all got out, paying for our entre tickets. We started out with a game of golf. "Y/n, you ca go first" Ali said. "Okay, but just a warning, I suck" I laughed. "You're not as bad as me, trust me" Susan said. "Yeah, one time Susan hit it over the fence into the streets." We all laughed. I hit the ball, making it into the hole. "My turn, my turn" Ali said grabbing the putt from me. After the game of golf, we came back inside and played Namco Shoot Away light rifle game. The goal was to try and shoot as many targets as possible. Me and Susan played first while Ali watched. "Susan how are you so good at this?" I asked. "Practice. Me and Ali come here almost every weekend" she said. "Y/n, don't freak but Daniel is coming over here" Ali said. "Great. I'm going to go get some air" I said dropping the fake gun. 

Ali's POV

"What do you want, Daniel?" I asked. "Ali what happened between Zach and Y/n? He's been going around telling people that he and her kissed last night. I know y/n, she would never kiss a dick like him" he said. I cocked my head sideways at him. "He kissed her, for your information. She ran away though." "You didn't stick around for the exciting conclusion because you we're too busy sticking you and Jane's faces together" Susan butted in. "I'm going to check on Y/n" I said. I left outside to find Y/n sitting on the other side of the street. 

Susan's POV

"I don't even like Jane, alright? I love y/n. She means everything to me" Daniel said. "Then why'd you kiss Jane and cheat on her?" I shot back. "Do you really think I'd cheat on y/n? Jane threatened me, alright? She said If I didn't kiss her, she'd make up some false rumor and get us to break up. She must've known Y/n was cleaning the classroom after cheer practice so she planned to do it then" he sighed. "I'm asking if they kissed because I still love her and I couldn't tell her about Jane because she threatened me again. I love y/n a lot, I really do." I looked him up and down. "The conclusion was that he tried to kiss her again today, but she punched him. That's why she hurt her wrist, Daniel. She still loves you." He nodded. "I'm going to go talk to her."


I felt a hand on my lower back, it was Ali. "You alright, y/n?" she asked. "Yeah, I just don't want to be around him. It'll make things worst if I am" I explained. "What happened to your wrist?" "I punched Zach a little too hard today when he tried to kiss me, and I hurt it" I laughed. "Zach tried to kiss you? Jesus y/n, I'm sorry." "It's alright. He got what he deserved." I closed my eyes and rested my head in my hands as Ali rubbed my back again. "Y/n can I talk to you?" I heard a voice say. In front of me stood Daniel. "Please it's important" he continued. I stood up and walked with Daniel. "Y/n I didn't cheat on you. Jane threatened me that if I didn't kiss her, she would spread rumors around and make us break up. I couldn't let that happen. When we talked in your room that night, I couldn't tell you because she threatened me again. "God y/n, I love you so much. I could never cheat on you again. I'm sorry I put you through hell but I-" I slammed my lips into his. His lips were warm and soft. He held my waist tightly, while I ruffled his hair. "I guess this isn't the end of our story, is it?" I asked. "Never" he said.

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